Secrets The Weight Loss Industry Wants To Keep From You! Follow The Money! Over $40 billion was spent on fat loss products and diets last year!According to the Nutrition Business Journal, the supplement industry had more than $16 billion in sales.
There are over a thousand different manufacturers that produce about 20 thousand different fat loss and diets products.
These products are sold to 100 million Americans! With all those billions at stake the advertisers of the weight loss and supplement industry will tell you anything to get you to buy their wares.
The real question is: "Is anyone losing any fat?Not only that, they will also lie and advertise dummied up facts that are designed to make you believe that these diet products are safe to use and that they are all you ever needed to lose fat.
This industry is so loosely regulated at all.
This allows them to go on fleecing innocent people that simply want to make their life better.
The common story for many people who consumed powders, pills or other diet related products is they ended up with poor results.
Usually they lose a few pounds, but shortly they've gained it all back.
The fat was still there, while the only thing that lost weight was their bank account! Guess what? that is exactly what these manufactures want! I'm sure they're shooting for $50 Billion this year! Most (If Not All) Of Those Diets And Supplements Just Don't Work! We, as a society, try to buy our way to our goals.
Scientist try to find the ultimate fat loss product.
The advertisers want to promote it as the ultimate secret to fat loss, some diet product that will magically help them lose fat, just like you are doing right now.
Don't waste any more time and money.
Those diets and supplement products are no good.
Not only that, most of the diet programs people are trying simply do not work, and those who start them usually end up with more pounds and fat than ever.
Is it Safe? Still even more troubling is the fact that many of these products are just not safe.
We've all heard about the bulimic results developed by some, and the hypertension of other supplements, not to mention the high blood pressure and higher cholesterol of other diets and supplements.
Safety is most important.
I mean look at it this way: If after 30 years or every hospital in the world shoving 'Tylenol' down every patient throat or in every IV, they have JUST discovered that it is addictive and will do great damage to you liver - what will be 30 years down the road? Take 'Matters Into Your Own Hands! If you want to learn about a diet that really does work, you should consider the Calorie Shifting diet method.
No pills, no powders, no false promises.
Calorie shifting is a simple method, that when followed correctly, helps you loss excess fat in a healthy, easy way.
Not to mention, you won't have to spend extra to achieve your goal of weight loss! Check out my story and how I lost weight with calorie shifting!
There are over a thousand different manufacturers that produce about 20 thousand different fat loss and diets products.
These products are sold to 100 million Americans! With all those billions at stake the advertisers of the weight loss and supplement industry will tell you anything to get you to buy their wares.
The real question is: "Is anyone losing any fat?Not only that, they will also lie and advertise dummied up facts that are designed to make you believe that these diet products are safe to use and that they are all you ever needed to lose fat.
This industry is so loosely regulated at all.
This allows them to go on fleecing innocent people that simply want to make their life better.
The common story for many people who consumed powders, pills or other diet related products is they ended up with poor results.
Usually they lose a few pounds, but shortly they've gained it all back.
The fat was still there, while the only thing that lost weight was their bank account! Guess what? that is exactly what these manufactures want! I'm sure they're shooting for $50 Billion this year! Most (If Not All) Of Those Diets And Supplements Just Don't Work! We, as a society, try to buy our way to our goals.
Scientist try to find the ultimate fat loss product.
The advertisers want to promote it as the ultimate secret to fat loss, some diet product that will magically help them lose fat, just like you are doing right now.
Don't waste any more time and money.
Those diets and supplement products are no good.
Not only that, most of the diet programs people are trying simply do not work, and those who start them usually end up with more pounds and fat than ever.
Is it Safe? Still even more troubling is the fact that many of these products are just not safe.
We've all heard about the bulimic results developed by some, and the hypertension of other supplements, not to mention the high blood pressure and higher cholesterol of other diets and supplements.
Safety is most important.
I mean look at it this way: If after 30 years or every hospital in the world shoving 'Tylenol' down every patient throat or in every IV, they have JUST discovered that it is addictive and will do great damage to you liver - what will be 30 years down the road? Take 'Matters Into Your Own Hands! If you want to learn about a diet that really does work, you should consider the Calorie Shifting diet method.
No pills, no powders, no false promises.
Calorie shifting is a simple method, that when followed correctly, helps you loss excess fat in a healthy, easy way.
Not to mention, you won't have to spend extra to achieve your goal of weight loss! Check out my story and how I lost weight with calorie shifting!