Given that the bible used by most protestant denominations contain the samebooks, you would think your choices would come down to what kind of cover.
Unfortunately choosing the right bible for your needs is a bit more complicated than that.
First you much consider the issue of translation.
I also want to give you a run down on different types of bibles and their uses.
However most types are available in a variety of translations so we will tackle that first.
There is the King James Version, The New Living Translation, The Message, and many others.
They all break down into two basic types.
There are literal word for word translations.
In these each word is individually translated from the original languages.
This type of translation tends to be preferred by serious scholars, who are concerned with absolute accuracy.
Some also love the beauty of the language in the older translations such as the King James Version.
The are also what are called "sense of meaning " translations.
With these the translator(s) aim to get the main idea of what is being said, without matching the exact language.
These translations tend to be in more modern language.
For this reason they can be easier to understand, especially for new Christians.
Once you have settled on a translation then what ? Next I want to cover some of the main types of bibles you may encounter.
PLAIN VANILLA- these are just the scripture in your chosen translation.
They are arranged by book, chapter, and verse just as most of us are familiar with.
RED LETTER- This type is often combined with the other types.
In This type the actual words of Christ are printed in red.
Many people find having the Lord's own words highlighted in this way helps their study.
CHRONOLOGICAL- In this type the scripture is arranged in historical chronological order instead of book, chapter, and verse.
This arrangement helps many people gain understanding how the different times and events of the bible relate to each other.
IN A YEAR- Most of these bibles are arranged in 365 convenient chunks.
One for every day of the year ! Obviously these are designed for people who want a well planned way to read through the entire bible within a year.
PARALLEL BIBLES- These have more than one translation in parallel columns in the same book.
I have one with four English translations side by side.
You could also get an English/Spanish, or English? Vietnamese Bible for instance.
These bibles are for people who want to see how scripture varies between translations.
Sometimes seeing the same verse worded differently helps with understanding.
TOPICAL-In these bible the scripture is not arranged in the usual book, chapter, verse format.
Instead everything is arranged by topic.
All the verse on marriage together, the same with salvation, the church and so on.
These bibles are handy for people who want to get all of what the bible says on a subject quickly.
STUDY BIBLES- These bibles contain not only scripture, but extra "helps" to aid your study.
Such helps can include articles, maps, commentaries etc.
They come in different forms.
Some are aimed at the average Christian.
Others are aimed at specific people such as couples.
I even have one written specifically for counselors.
Many of these types are going to be appropriate for people who want and can afford two or more bibles.
But I wanted you to better understand your options.
That way you will be better prepared if your needs change.
If you can only afford one bible, or are a new Christian, I would suggest a good study bible in a translation you can understand.
I recommend a study bible, because the helps involved will help your understanding.
It will also give you some of the advantage of other study tools until you can purchase larger separate versions of them.
Unfortunately choosing the right bible for your needs is a bit more complicated than that.
First you much consider the issue of translation.
I also want to give you a run down on different types of bibles and their uses.
However most types are available in a variety of translations so we will tackle that first.
There is the King James Version, The New Living Translation, The Message, and many others.
They all break down into two basic types.
There are literal word for word translations.
In these each word is individually translated from the original languages.
This type of translation tends to be preferred by serious scholars, who are concerned with absolute accuracy.
Some also love the beauty of the language in the older translations such as the King James Version.
The are also what are called "sense of meaning " translations.
With these the translator(s) aim to get the main idea of what is being said, without matching the exact language.
These translations tend to be in more modern language.
For this reason they can be easier to understand, especially for new Christians.
Once you have settled on a translation then what ? Next I want to cover some of the main types of bibles you may encounter.
PLAIN VANILLA- these are just the scripture in your chosen translation.
They are arranged by book, chapter, and verse just as most of us are familiar with.
RED LETTER- This type is often combined with the other types.
In This type the actual words of Christ are printed in red.
Many people find having the Lord's own words highlighted in this way helps their study.
CHRONOLOGICAL- In this type the scripture is arranged in historical chronological order instead of book, chapter, and verse.
This arrangement helps many people gain understanding how the different times and events of the bible relate to each other.
IN A YEAR- Most of these bibles are arranged in 365 convenient chunks.
One for every day of the year ! Obviously these are designed for people who want a well planned way to read through the entire bible within a year.
PARALLEL BIBLES- These have more than one translation in parallel columns in the same book.
I have one with four English translations side by side.
You could also get an English/Spanish, or English? Vietnamese Bible for instance.
These bibles are for people who want to see how scripture varies between translations.
Sometimes seeing the same verse worded differently helps with understanding.
TOPICAL-In these bible the scripture is not arranged in the usual book, chapter, verse format.
Instead everything is arranged by topic.
All the verse on marriage together, the same with salvation, the church and so on.
These bibles are handy for people who want to get all of what the bible says on a subject quickly.
STUDY BIBLES- These bibles contain not only scripture, but extra "helps" to aid your study.
Such helps can include articles, maps, commentaries etc.
They come in different forms.
Some are aimed at the average Christian.
Others are aimed at specific people such as couples.
I even have one written specifically for counselors.
Many of these types are going to be appropriate for people who want and can afford two or more bibles.
But I wanted you to better understand your options.
That way you will be better prepared if your needs change.
If you can only afford one bible, or are a new Christian, I would suggest a good study bible in a translation you can understand.
I recommend a study bible, because the helps involved will help your understanding.
It will also give you some of the advantage of other study tools until you can purchase larger separate versions of them.