Society & Culture & Entertainment Religion & Spirituality

God Inside of Me

All prophets including Jesus of Nazareth spoke of finding yourself and God from within yourself.
Allow me to quote the Catholic bible.
Thank you.
" Do not you know that you yourselves are Gods temple and his spirit lives inside of you.
" One Corinthians three: sixteen.
So whats being said here is pretty apparent to me.
They are saying to me that God is inside of me.
I feel that God is inside me.
I think that God is inside of you also.
Is that possible? It would mean that there is a great...
Very great power inside of Us.
At this point I have to ask myself a question.
Has man ever exhibited extraordinary power.
The answer I get is a big yes.
Very many men have risen to great power.
Some way above the rest.
They have contributed greatly to the benefit of the human race.
But what are the limitations of this power that a man possesses? Now that is a good question.
I do not think there is an answer because a man is limited to only his imagination.
At this point you may be starting to think that I am a little crazy.
OK maybe a lot.
But let me tell you that God is here somewhere.
He must be hiding because I do not see him.
How can I believe something that I can not see? But wait.
Maybe God is too close for me to see.
This reminds me of a time when I could not find my hat.
I mean I looked everywhere.
Finally I happened to look in a mirror and saw my hat.
It was on my head.
I had to laugh.
I have been looking for God everywhere.
Could it be that God is inside of me? Any thing is possible.
Now the big question.
Do I know myself? And how well? Jesus said I had to change.
Gods world was not the same as my world.
Well I do not think that I have changed any in the sense that Jesus spoke of.
Well I guess I will have to find what he meant.
Jesus said that a man has all the tools he will need to find God.
The Sacred Heart that Jesus spoke of was inside of a man.
I also have a soul that belongs to God.
I could try to get in touch with my soul who knows God well.
The Holy Spirit is mans direct connection to God.
I think I could make a pretty good argument That God is inside of his own creation The Human Being.
My quest has been to find God and the truth.
Know yourself above all else has been stated by many very wise men.
So I guess I must begin my journey from the outside and travel within myself.
I will ask God to guide me on my journey.
I think that the truth will be beyond my present imagination.
Although I think that a successful journey will allow me to experience God.
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