Spiritual Gifts
I have cried out many time's GOD your killing me! Of course this is not true, one of my favorite lyric lines from the Rolling Stones is "Who killed the Kennedy's, After all it was you and me", so true.
We or our ego's are the killers, we self assassins, we are self destructive. We are at war with ourselves just look at the alcoholics and drug addicted people who are struggling to regain their lives.
The interesting fact is they are actually the lucky ones in a very weird way, they had to hit bottom to find out who they are and what GOD want them to be, think of the story from the Bible about the prodigal son. We are not these bodies, we are not these EGO's, we are spiritual being created in the image of our prime creator, bodies die, this world is full of things that die, things that die were not created by GOD, everything GOD creates is real and eternal, like us!
Here's the big surprise that a whole world has not figured out, we created ourselves, this world (or should I say our ego's did) WOW! Hard to believe? Well it's your own fault; this is your dream, wakeup! I am a student of "A Course in Miracles" and what I have learned is the so beautiful, but the world is still not ready for the truth, this book has been around since the mid seventies, print in many countries, several languages, and the author is none other than Christ himself! Yet still its followers are small in numbers.
The religions around the world in their texts, sermons, preaching all refer to us as GOD's children, yet no one questions whether GOD would actually create children who suffer, die in bodies that grow old, I believe I am became a Programmer analyst should so I could understand the logic and the lack of why we think that our GOD could do such a thing, GOD could not, did not, he did not create these bodies, GOD did not create this world we did, oops, my mistake I used the word create, I meant made, when GOD creates it is always with love, and that was our biggest mistake, we created this world, our EGO's, these bodies without love, that why we have the troubled world we live in today, that's why our EGO's think were the enemy, why they torture us.
Our minds are split! in Alcoholics anonymous it is said that drinking is just a symptom of a bigger problem, our minds, this true, alcohol just lets is forget temporarily that we have split our minds, one part is guided by the hold spirit, the other is our EGO, the EGO is very load, the holy spirit whispers to us, because that's the way we want it. I am a grateful alcoholic because for the first time I am finding out who I really am, I am not guilty, its not my fault, I am grateful, I am a son of GOD, 12 steps of AA have shown me how to live my life, I hope that is a life a service from this point on. Then for the first time I feel I will have value.
There is no higher station in life than one of service, I would be so lucky to know I have helped anyone in even the littlest way, this is what my GOD would have of me.
God, I offer myself to thee--to build with me and to do with me as thou wilt.
Relieve me of the bondage to self, that I may better do thy will.
Take away my difficulties, that victory over them may bear witness to those I would help
Of thy power, thy love and thy way of life.
May I do thy will always.
I have cried out many time's GOD your killing me! Of course this is not true, one of my favorite lyric lines from the Rolling Stones is "Who killed the Kennedy's, After all it was you and me", so true.
We or our ego's are the killers, we self assassins, we are self destructive. We are at war with ourselves just look at the alcoholics and drug addicted people who are struggling to regain their lives.
The interesting fact is they are actually the lucky ones in a very weird way, they had to hit bottom to find out who they are and what GOD want them to be, think of the story from the Bible about the prodigal son. We are not these bodies, we are not these EGO's, we are spiritual being created in the image of our prime creator, bodies die, this world is full of things that die, things that die were not created by GOD, everything GOD creates is real and eternal, like us!
Here's the big surprise that a whole world has not figured out, we created ourselves, this world (or should I say our ego's did) WOW! Hard to believe? Well it's your own fault; this is your dream, wakeup! I am a student of "A Course in Miracles" and what I have learned is the so beautiful, but the world is still not ready for the truth, this book has been around since the mid seventies, print in many countries, several languages, and the author is none other than Christ himself! Yet still its followers are small in numbers.
The religions around the world in their texts, sermons, preaching all refer to us as GOD's children, yet no one questions whether GOD would actually create children who suffer, die in bodies that grow old, I believe I am became a Programmer analyst should so I could understand the logic and the lack of why we think that our GOD could do such a thing, GOD could not, did not, he did not create these bodies, GOD did not create this world we did, oops, my mistake I used the word create, I meant made, when GOD creates it is always with love, and that was our biggest mistake, we created this world, our EGO's, these bodies without love, that why we have the troubled world we live in today, that's why our EGO's think were the enemy, why they torture us.
Our minds are split! in Alcoholics anonymous it is said that drinking is just a symptom of a bigger problem, our minds, this true, alcohol just lets is forget temporarily that we have split our minds, one part is guided by the hold spirit, the other is our EGO, the EGO is very load, the holy spirit whispers to us, because that's the way we want it. I am a grateful alcoholic because for the first time I am finding out who I really am, I am not guilty, its not my fault, I am grateful, I am a son of GOD, 12 steps of AA have shown me how to live my life, I hope that is a life a service from this point on. Then for the first time I feel I will have value.
There is no higher station in life than one of service, I would be so lucky to know I have helped anyone in even the littlest way, this is what my GOD would have of me.
God, I offer myself to thee--to build with me and to do with me as thou wilt.
Relieve me of the bondage to self, that I may better do thy will.
Take away my difficulties, that victory over them may bear witness to those I would help
Of thy power, thy love and thy way of life.
May I do thy will always.