Health & Medical Mental Health

Strip PTSD Power When We Get Rid Of Sorrow

We can liken PTSD to our houses' pipes clogged with grease and grit.
Such are the negative emotions that block our hearts until we submit.

We carry this heaviness in our psyche that effects even the body.
Like the obstructed pipes nothing can get in, you see.

This also makes the Law of Attraction draw depressive, darkness, and loneliness.
How we may long for our original state of good health and happiness!

This void in our ability to feel joy is likened to a meal of dead worms.
Anyone who tries to disrupt this state with gladness repels and squirms.

Those who have never known trauma just do not understand this void.
After being let down by the broken hearted the answer is to, €Just avoid.€

This is an internal battle of the mind that eliminates feelings of elation.
The cure comes only through prayer where faith is fueled by contemplation.

A strategy to get back our higher self is through monitoring what we think.
Keep a journal each day that will make us aware of thoughts that stink.

Then we can recognize obsessive patterns of detrimental self-denouncements.
A tip to counteract this paradigm is contemplating blessing announcements.

The Acts 10:38 show how Jesus used His power to free the devil's oppressed.
It is like getting back our original DNA with happy feelings that were repressed.

Such is the strategy to follow when on the road to mental recovery.
It comes with the release of self-surrender that is a spiritual discovery.

We cannot impress our Creator to make us whole you know.
What we need is to connect to Him through right thinking to make it so.

Sharing our gifts we have been given is a tangible way to unite with God, too.
Remember the original disciples gave what they had to those who were blue.

When we give of ourselves we invite prosperity and discharge despair.
Such selflessness hollows out the blockages we have, like pipes to compare.

The hardened grit of hardness of thoughts is broken away when we pray.
Our past trauma is wiped from obsessing when we do this each day.

Do not be in a hurry and think your pipes will never be clear.
It took years of drama to cement wrong thinking, so be patient my dear!

Make it a point to be thankful for every act of kindness and prosperity.
This will bring a spiritual awareness that offers a completeness of clarity!
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