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Military Retirees Participate in the Economy and BRAC Needs to Take a Sabbatical

San Antonio seems to be a favorite retirement town for former military.
It would be a shame for BRAC to cut military bases in that city.
In San Antonio TX, there are 77,723 retired Air Force personal who have served this country; 65,673 Army; 23,765 Navy and 7,667 Former Marines.
Closing any military base in that city would be a fine how do you do, to the people who gave much of their lives to the service of America.
That is including 1,300 plus Coast Guard retirees over 118,951 veterans and 14% of the voters in the city.
Yes they can take care of themselves and yes they will vote for this country, but shouldn't we be voting for them as well? Many businesses appreciate this clientele who routinely spend money in their businesses in SA.
Other cities in America are similar, Tampa-St.
Petersburg FL, Seattle-Tacoma WA, Bexar County TX, Phoenix-Mesa Area, Houston TX area, and San Diego CA.
This in from the San Antonio Business Journal and the San Antonio Express News May 27, 2002.
I read in the Arizona Daily that PHX area was worth 5.
7 Billion to the state and employment of 88,000 people.
The top seven private sector employers employ 67,000 people and dwindling.
These are big issues to have PHX continue to grow.
Luke AFB alone has 42,000 workers and payroll is 1.
6 billion and sends out 2.
6 Billion in retirement monies.
We may not be a war-based economy, but we certainly have to continue what we are doing through this recession with no BRAC Closures this year.
And what is the difference if you print money to employ people to send build rockets to shoot into the sun or build roads or infrastructure or improve national security or pay for research and development, in the end it is all the same economically speaking there needs to "X" amount of dollars flowing for every person in this great nation, even if they just snuck over the broader yesterday.
Until the money flow is sped up we will not see economic recovery and if we cut down the military now we will be sorry later, so will all the cities in America with bases and military infrastructures.
Businesses and employers who work in these markets stay gainfully employed due to these money flows.
And their families have a better quality of life in America because of these military bases to protect them, as well as thriving business where money is flowing correctly, this money then circulates and permeates throughout the area and small business communities.
I am not a Keynesian "Trickle-Down'ist" by any means, but I know what I see and I know we do not need any stupid jolts in any of these market now.
You think Kmart is struggling? Just wait to see what happens when you take out a military base, it will cause a local recession? That is when the little guy closes shop.
And it is years before they can come out of bankruptcy.
Kmart loses 1 billion in five weeks, is certainly unnerving headlines, but so is 5,000 small businesses close shop in part of TX, 4,000 in Western Phoenix AZ, this is serious.
I have seen the prediction in Jacksonville and areas of Northwest FL if the military closes bases there and 10,000 is the low end estimate of small business failures in FL when it happens.
Not exactly the headlines I want to see.
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