Society & Culture & Entertainment Reading & Book Reviews

Internet Marketing Book - A Book Review and Thoughts on Buying Key Words on Search Engines

Have you ever wanted to learn how to buy key-words on a major search engine and insure that the money you spend will be returned in sales on your website? This is a huge issue to Internet Marketers, but to clear it all up, I have a great book recommendation for you: "Winning Results with Google AdWords" by Andrew Goodman (Founder of Page Zero Media); McGraw Hill Publishing Company Incorporated; 2009.
ISBN: 978-0-07-14656-8.
This book takes all the mystery out of Google AdWords, and explains why you need to use this marketing tool and how to run a good campaign on Google to achieve your goals.
Ever wonder what the trick is for bidding on Key-words? You'll be amazed when you find out and it will take all the guessing out of the game.
The book also explains how to leverage the long-tail theory and thus, out think your bidding competitors.
Learn how to reach your targeted masses and desired traffic, hundreds of great tips you can immediately employ to help you win.
Probably the most important part of the book for me was the discussion on conversion rates to convert your targeted traffic into buying customers thus, boost your website sales.
There is also a chapter on using Google to assist you in gaining market and competitor intelligence.
Find out what you competition is doing and what seems to be working for them.
Indeed, I am going to recommend this book to anyone that has a legitimate product or service that they sell online.
It will help you succeed and meet your profit goals if you follow the suggestions within.
So please consider this, it's the perfect Internet Marketing Book for you.
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