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Q: A lot of my ads go hand and hand with the background of the ad, do I need to include a section, maybe in between headline and body, that describes what I think the graphic should be?
You can always include some very brief info at the bottom of your ad that describes your visual idea.
Q: Is it okay to copy and paste pictures from sites like Getty and I-stock without buying the picture if I am only going to use it for my portfolio?
A: Don't fall into the trap of thinking you must have images to go with your writing samples, especially at the risk of using copyrighted images. Creative Directors would much rather see a portfolio of solid copy on plain white paper than a dressed up ad with someone else's copyrighted images.
It can also be a red flag in a Creative Director's eyes. you don't want to raise any questions about your own ethics by using images they know you didn't pay for.
It may seem like a stretch but you'll be trusted with details of clients' company info, not to mention details of the agency. They need to know you're honest and trustworthy. Plus, if you're lifting images, you also raise questions in their minds that you may have lifted the copy and didn't actually create it yourself.
Let your copy speak for itself. You're not applying for a graphic design job so don't worry about including images in SPEC ADS.
Q: I have compiled a list of every ad agency in [city] and have found out that all but three have less than 30 employees working there.
Is it more likely for a smaller firm or a larger firm to hire someone with no experience?
A: It depends on the agency. Most agencies are looking for someone long-term. They can see you're just out of college but consider you an investment. You haven't been waiting tables 20 years and have suddenly decided you want to work at a large agency. Don't devalue your education.
Smaller agencies are also a great training ground. Target both types of agencies to get your name out there. You will find an opportunity for yourself.
Q: I know that I can and will do very well as a copywriter, but I just don't have enough faith in my SPEC ads. Is there anyway to get in as a creative with just a decent book?
A: Make your book more than decent. And I don't mean images and full-color printed materials. I'm talking good, solid, salable copy that shows your talent.
That is going to make your first real impression on a Creative Director. If your book is mediocre, the Creative Director is going to think this is the best you can do and they'll pass you over for someone else.
Stand a copywriter with some experience against a college grad with no prior experience. Put their books side by side. If the copywriter with some experience has a lackluster portfolio and the college grad has an outstanding portfolio, that college grad has not only leveled the playing field, they may even have the advantage.
Q: I'm not being lazy here, I was just wondering if I could like request a writing test or maybe suggest that I will work for free if they send me a client they are currently working for? I just don't know... Coming up with 10 ideas that will wow the socks out of a CD has been very overwhelming.
A: Be patient and be persistent. A good agency won't release their clients' info to you until you work there. If you can set aside some free time, tell them you would like to volunteer your time to learn more about their agency and work your way into their ranks.
Bottom line: Don't let your nerves get the best of you. It's hard when you want something like an ad career not to stress over every detail. There's nothing wrong with wanting everything to be absolutely perfect. Just don't let that strive for perfection psych you out.
Q: A lot of my ads go hand and hand with the background of the ad, do I need to include a section, maybe in between headline and body, that describes what I think the graphic should be?
You can always include some very brief info at the bottom of your ad that describes your visual idea.
Q: Is it okay to copy and paste pictures from sites like Getty and I-stock without buying the picture if I am only going to use it for my portfolio?
A: Don't fall into the trap of thinking you must have images to go with your writing samples, especially at the risk of using copyrighted images. Creative Directors would much rather see a portfolio of solid copy on plain white paper than a dressed up ad with someone else's copyrighted images.
It can also be a red flag in a Creative Director's eyes. you don't want to raise any questions about your own ethics by using images they know you didn't pay for.
It may seem like a stretch but you'll be trusted with details of clients' company info, not to mention details of the agency. They need to know you're honest and trustworthy. Plus, if you're lifting images, you also raise questions in their minds that you may have lifted the copy and didn't actually create it yourself.
Let your copy speak for itself. You're not applying for a graphic design job so don't worry about including images in SPEC ADS.
Q: I have compiled a list of every ad agency in [city] and have found out that all but three have less than 30 employees working there.
Is it more likely for a smaller firm or a larger firm to hire someone with no experience?
A: It depends on the agency. Most agencies are looking for someone long-term. They can see you're just out of college but consider you an investment. You haven't been waiting tables 20 years and have suddenly decided you want to work at a large agency. Don't devalue your education.
Smaller agencies are also a great training ground. Target both types of agencies to get your name out there. You will find an opportunity for yourself.
Q: I know that I can and will do very well as a copywriter, but I just don't have enough faith in my SPEC ads. Is there anyway to get in as a creative with just a decent book?
A: Make your book more than decent. And I don't mean images and full-color printed materials. I'm talking good, solid, salable copy that shows your talent.
That is going to make your first real impression on a Creative Director. If your book is mediocre, the Creative Director is going to think this is the best you can do and they'll pass you over for someone else.
Stand a copywriter with some experience against a college grad with no prior experience. Put their books side by side. If the copywriter with some experience has a lackluster portfolio and the college grad has an outstanding portfolio, that college grad has not only leveled the playing field, they may even have the advantage.
Q: I'm not being lazy here, I was just wondering if I could like request a writing test or maybe suggest that I will work for free if they send me a client they are currently working for? I just don't know... Coming up with 10 ideas that will wow the socks out of a CD has been very overwhelming.
A: Be patient and be persistent. A good agency won't release their clients' info to you until you work there. If you can set aside some free time, tell them you would like to volunteer your time to learn more about their agency and work your way into their ranks.
Bottom line: Don't let your nerves get the best of you. It's hard when you want something like an ad career not to stress over every detail. There's nothing wrong with wanting everything to be absolutely perfect. Just don't let that strive for perfection psych you out.