Link building is an essential part of search engine optimization also called it is the backbone of your Search Engine Ranking because Google gives the value of links. Why Google gives value of a backlink because the backlink is the vote of popularity in the eyes of Google and links shows how popular the sites among the people. So Link building is very important for The Webmasters who want to make consistent money by SEO (Search Engine Optimization).
How To Build Quality Backlinks
These are the some of the best methods of building backlinks:
1. Article Directories Links: Backlinks from article sites is very important and very powerful in the eyes of Google because google gives the authority to article directories if you than any other sites because people read articles for information and education so if you get a backlink from article sites it is very powerful for your sites. And another aspect of this kind of backlinks is if you put a link to your article and that article is republishing to multiple sites and your backlinks is multiplying so you get a much more backlinks. Submit your articles to article directories like Ezinearticles, articlebase, articledashboard etc. You can search on Google like top 20 article directories you will see a good list of article sites.
2. Press Release Backlinks: Press Release is another very powerful backlinks which is ignore by many webmasters. why press release is so powerful because if you submit a press release on the press release site it is a news article which is republish to multiple sites again and again and you gets a tons of backlinks and your website get a high boost on ranking. Google also takes a news article from the top press release sites and put into the 1 page of Google so you get a tons of free traffic and also get the backlinks. To find best press release sites search on Google you will a good list of press release sites.
3. Video Sharing sites: backlinks from video sites is very powerfull and also gives a lot of free traffic to your sites. the best video sharing sites are youtube, Google video, metacafe, facebook, daily motion,how cast. you can find more video sharing site just search on Google.
4. Social Bookmarking: submit your links to social bookmarking sites gives you traffic, index you website faster and plus it gives you traffic. Do not ignore the social bookmarking sites. a site called social bookmarker it submit your links to top 50 social bookmarking sites.
5. RSS Submission: Submit your website's RSS feed to top RSS sites it is very powerful way to get backlinks and also it helps to index your website quickly. you can find a good list of RSS submission sites on search on Google.
6. Web 2.0 sites: backlinks from web 2.0 is very important and many webmaster using web 2.0 sites for backlinks and get top ranking in google for very competitive keywords. the top web 2.0 sites like blogger, hubpages, tumblr, Xanga, squidoo etc. you can find a lot more web 2.0 sites search on google.
7. Pinging: This is a very important and effective technique to index your all backlinks why index your backlinks because Google can find your backlinks every time that you post pinging helps to your backlinks index and google count your backlinks and gives the credits for your backlinks. The best pinging sites are Pingoat, Ping-o-Matic, Kping, Pingler you can find a lot more on Google.
Stick to above methods it will helps your sites to get friendly and nice in the eyes of google if you get the tons of backlinks as describes in the above methods article, press release, video sharing sites, social bookmarking, web 2.0 and RSS submission you can beat any website for any competetive keywords be remember if you want to get high ranking you need a tons of backlinks from these sites as quickly as possible.
If want to make tons of backlinks from these sites it takes a lot of time and work to do to get backlinks from these sites. Download my Exclusive report shows you how you can get a tons of backlinks from these sites less than a hour and on complete autopilot a tool does all your work and this tool is called Senuke X the ultimate backlinking tool.
How To Build Quality Backlinks
These are the some of the best methods of building backlinks:
1. Article Directories Links: Backlinks from article sites is very important and very powerful in the eyes of Google because google gives the authority to article directories if you than any other sites because people read articles for information and education so if you get a backlink from article sites it is very powerful for your sites. And another aspect of this kind of backlinks is if you put a link to your article and that article is republishing to multiple sites and your backlinks is multiplying so you get a much more backlinks. Submit your articles to article directories like Ezinearticles, articlebase, articledashboard etc. You can search on Google like top 20 article directories you will see a good list of article sites.
2. Press Release Backlinks: Press Release is another very powerful backlinks which is ignore by many webmasters. why press release is so powerful because if you submit a press release on the press release site it is a news article which is republish to multiple sites again and again and you gets a tons of backlinks and your website get a high boost on ranking. Google also takes a news article from the top press release sites and put into the 1 page of Google so you get a tons of free traffic and also get the backlinks. To find best press release sites search on Google you will a good list of press release sites.
3. Video Sharing sites: backlinks from video sites is very powerfull and also gives a lot of free traffic to your sites. the best video sharing sites are youtube, Google video, metacafe, facebook, daily motion,how cast. you can find more video sharing site just search on Google.
4. Social Bookmarking: submit your links to social bookmarking sites gives you traffic, index you website faster and plus it gives you traffic. Do not ignore the social bookmarking sites. a site called social bookmarker it submit your links to top 50 social bookmarking sites.
5. RSS Submission: Submit your website's RSS feed to top RSS sites it is very powerful way to get backlinks and also it helps to index your website quickly. you can find a good list of RSS submission sites on search on Google.
6. Web 2.0 sites: backlinks from web 2.0 is very important and many webmaster using web 2.0 sites for backlinks and get top ranking in google for very competitive keywords. the top web 2.0 sites like blogger, hubpages, tumblr, Xanga, squidoo etc. you can find a lot more web 2.0 sites search on google.
7. Pinging: This is a very important and effective technique to index your all backlinks why index your backlinks because Google can find your backlinks every time that you post pinging helps to your backlinks index and google count your backlinks and gives the credits for your backlinks. The best pinging sites are Pingoat, Ping-o-Matic, Kping, Pingler you can find a lot more on Google.
Stick to above methods it will helps your sites to get friendly and nice in the eyes of google if you get the tons of backlinks as describes in the above methods article, press release, video sharing sites, social bookmarking, web 2.0 and RSS submission you can beat any website for any competetive keywords be remember if you want to get high ranking you need a tons of backlinks from these sites as quickly as possible.
If want to make tons of backlinks from these sites it takes a lot of time and work to do to get backlinks from these sites. Download my Exclusive report shows you how you can get a tons of backlinks from these sites less than a hour and on complete autopilot a tool does all your work and this tool is called Senuke X the ultimate backlinking tool.