Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Useful Tips to Prevent Stretch Marks During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a moment which most women look eagerly for, being the first step into motherhood.
As the period of pregnancy progresses the development of the fetus in the womb exerts tremendous pressure on the skin of the tummy as it grows in size.
This leads to the stretch marks throughout the tummy.
The collagen in the skin separates rapidly resulting in the stretch marks.
About 80-90% of the women faces stretch marks during pregnancy and this is neither a disease nor it is painful.
These marks in some cases can go away or may remain forever even after the pregnancy.
These pregnancy marks are generally observed in the tummy, thighs and buttocks and to some extent in the breasts.
Reasons Among the several causes, the most important factors that are responsible for the pregnancy marks during pregnancy are - 1.
Genetic factor.
Stretch marks in previous pregnancy can reappear.
Excessive weight gain during pregnancy leads to more stretch marks.
If the mother is having multiple pregnancies.
Overweight and obesity results in more stretch marks.
How can stretch marks be prevented? Though pregnancy marks are not dangerous but it can result in some odd looks in the belly skin especially for those who are in fashion world.
They may feel bit embarrassing in wearing swimsuits or any other bold and trendy dresses due to these unwanted marks.
Stretch marks can be prevented effectively if the elasticity of the skin is improved and a good health of the skin is maintained.
Massaging almond oil, lotion or creams on the belly improves the blood circulation and prevents the stretch marks.
This massaging must be done gently taking little bit time so that the oils reach deep in the skin.
Skin nourishing food rich in zinc like fish, nuts improves the elasticity of the skin.
Carrots, milk, colored fruits and vegetables are rich in Vitamin A, E which is important for healthy skin.
Brushing the skin with body scrubbers while bathing also improves the blood circulation.
Drinking plenty of water during pregnancy keeps the skin hydrated and so prevents the skin stretching.
Mild stretching exercise during pregnancy is good for the developing baby as well as for healthy skin.
Avoiding too much of fatty and oily foods keeps the weight gain in control leading to lesser pregnancy marks.
It is wise to prevent these marks before its appearance during pregnancy.
Though these marks are inevitable, still adopting prevention measures at the early stage reduces the marks to a great extent.
A mother must be conscious about the well being of the baby as well as looking after herself in all possible manners.
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