Many people are wondering what the future holds.
Christians are concerned in these times.
Here are 7 things that are going to happen in the next 20 years.
Revival in the Muslim world An apostle of God was caught up into heaven and the Lord told him that one of the last things that will happen in the world before Christ returns will be massive revival among the Muslims.
This is starting to happen already and many Muslims are being visited by Jesus in visions and dreams around the world.
Gay marriage accepted nearly everywhere.
Yesterday New York announced that same sex marriage was now going to be legal in their state.
This is going to become the norm in years to come as the world gets closer and closer to the days of Noah before the flood.
Increased gang activity The days to come will see young children without fathers taking to gangs and to the streets at night and during the day and doing criminal activity.
No longer will it be safe on the streets for most people and these gangs will have no fear.
Increased persecution for believers People will be told by media and popular shows and movies that what ever you believe to be true is true and Bible believing Christians that say Jesus is the only way to God will be severely judged by the people of the West.
One world religion There will come into play a so called unity of faiths and many Christian denominations will comply to maintain tax exempt status with their governments.
People will be of the opinion that there are many ways to God and that we all serve one God and religions will begin to merge to a one world religion.
The Glory of the Lord will manifest in signs and wonders It's not all bad.
The Holy Spirit will enable the bride the shine as lights in this darkened world (Isaiah 60) Some of the Bride will actually shine on their skin and people passing by will be shocked at these shining ones.
The people of God will be full of faith and from the biggest to the smallest in stature in the Christian faith will be able to heal people and do signs and wonders just as Christ did.
Christian communities will be made of unity Due to economic stress the Christians in the world will start to co-operate and from communities and live together and share things with each other just like the days of the early church in Acts.
This will be a blessed time as all denominations come together in unity to survive in this harsh world.
These are just seven things that are due to happen in the world that you can watch out for.
We are in the last days and the signs of the times are everywhere.
Christians are concerned in these times.
Here are 7 things that are going to happen in the next 20 years.
Revival in the Muslim world An apostle of God was caught up into heaven and the Lord told him that one of the last things that will happen in the world before Christ returns will be massive revival among the Muslims.
This is starting to happen already and many Muslims are being visited by Jesus in visions and dreams around the world.
Gay marriage accepted nearly everywhere.
Yesterday New York announced that same sex marriage was now going to be legal in their state.
This is going to become the norm in years to come as the world gets closer and closer to the days of Noah before the flood.
Increased gang activity The days to come will see young children without fathers taking to gangs and to the streets at night and during the day and doing criminal activity.
No longer will it be safe on the streets for most people and these gangs will have no fear.
Increased persecution for believers People will be told by media and popular shows and movies that what ever you believe to be true is true and Bible believing Christians that say Jesus is the only way to God will be severely judged by the people of the West.
One world religion There will come into play a so called unity of faiths and many Christian denominations will comply to maintain tax exempt status with their governments.
People will be of the opinion that there are many ways to God and that we all serve one God and religions will begin to merge to a one world religion.
The Glory of the Lord will manifest in signs and wonders It's not all bad.
The Holy Spirit will enable the bride the shine as lights in this darkened world (Isaiah 60) Some of the Bride will actually shine on their skin and people passing by will be shocked at these shining ones.
The people of God will be full of faith and from the biggest to the smallest in stature in the Christian faith will be able to heal people and do signs and wonders just as Christ did.
Christian communities will be made of unity Due to economic stress the Christians in the world will start to co-operate and from communities and live together and share things with each other just like the days of the early church in Acts.
This will be a blessed time as all denominations come together in unity to survive in this harsh world.
These are just seven things that are due to happen in the world that you can watch out for.
We are in the last days and the signs of the times are everywhere.