Health & Medical Lose Weight

Why Losing Weight Can Help You Become Healthier

The greatest motivation for anyone who is overweight and wants to cut down should come from focusing on the benefits that losing weight will have on one's health. While we cannot deny that it is quite a challenge to start eating vegetables and grains or exercising regularly in order to lose weight after a long time of treating your body with fries and the likes and living a dormant lifestyle; nothing can be compared to your health and by tolerating obesity, you are simply putting your body's health in danger. Therefore there are no two ways about it; you've just got to scale down.

Here are reasons why you will become healthier by shedding off those extra pounds. The most essential payoff that losing weight brings is the reduced vulnerability of diseases that have a direct effect on your health. The major health threats that usually result from being overweight include stroke and heart disease. These are dangerous ailments that can easily turn fatal if nothing is done to turn the tables around. Other diseases that you are vulnerable to when obese include diabetes and liver cancer. Cases of liver cancer are particularly increasing by the day among overweight people reportedly due to excess fat accumulation around the liver. Additional health conditions that you may not have anticipated like infertility especially among women are known to also arise in extreme cases of obesity.

Weight loss improves one's mobility immensely making their bodies to be more active than before burning more calories and hence enabling them to maintain a healthy body weight in the long run. Improved mobility also increases the amount of oxygen supplied to all the body organs making them function optimally thus increasing metabolism among other fat/calorie burning processes which further cinch a healthy body. In addition by increasing supply of oxygen to the heart through increased mobility, the common chest pains that many obese people experience gradually disappear upon weight loss. With these changes taking effect in your body, you will find that you are more productive both at home and at your workplace making your life even more fulfilling.

Sleep apnea is among many of the disorders that result from having an unhealthy body weight. With little sleep comes stress and depression as your body does not relax and freshen up properly as it ought to therefore in effect you'll find that you still wake up in the morning with the exhaustion that you felt the previous day. Not only does this have a negative toll on your energy and general productiveness, but it also increases your average stress levels which apparently among emotional eaters may make them end up seeking for more food for solace. The vicious cycle then continuous as you situation worsens and your health deteriorates further.

Although unknown to many people, there is a big relationship between your health and your emotional stability. If your emotions are starting to get out of control, then there is a big likelihood that your body's health will be affected. For example people with obesity normally suffer from low self esteem and have little confidence in themselves. This affects their health because with little self esteem, they in the first place don't see the use of striving to eat healthy. Eventually they add more and more fats and before one knows it, you are dealing with other diseases too on top of your weight challenge. Losing weight nonetheless boosts confidence levels and self esteem and the person in question is also likely to be a lot happier with their lives than they used to. Scientific research has shown that people who are happy and specifically laugh more burn more calories than their counterparts who are gloomy. This thus still benefits your health.

Generally weight loss prevents one from many diseases and health disorders hence eliminating a great deal of suffering and guaranteeing a long healthy life. Therefore if you really want to live for more years to come, see your children grow up and be free from many ailments that can interfere with your happy lifestyle; you need to get out of that chair, wife your tears and with a determined heart and an unwavering spirit decide that you are going to do all it takes to lose weight.

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