Traditional fireplaces look elegant in any home.
When used creatively with log racks and other accessories, they can recreate the ambiance of the room they are a part of while performing a useful function.
The following are some reasons to have a fireplace: - To add to the decor of the house - To keep the house warm - To occupy a wall in a room - To give the room a unique feel However, as with most everything, there are also drawbacks one should consider before installing a fireplace: - Traditional fireplaces demand a lot of work when they are utilized functionally to heat the house.
Taking care of the wood supply and fireplace equipment can be quite time consuming.
Time one can spend sitting next to a nice crackling fire must also be balanced against the amount of time required to maintain the fireplace and the fire.
- A lot of cleaning is required when maintaining traditional fireplaces and log racks.
Burning wood means creating ashes which can wreak havoc in modern homes with their carpeting and electronics.
Keeping the chimney clean should also be taken into consideration.
- The sparks and ashes a fire produces can also be dangerous.
One needs to be attentive when starting a fire in their home.
Even a small spark can cause expensive damage or worse.
- Apart from the time they require, installing and maintaining fireplaces can sometimes incur a substantial financial costs.
- With problems ranging some simple messes to serious injury from fire or equipment, fireplaces and children do not mix well, and those with young children need to be especially vigilant.
For many, the costs are more than worth it.
However, especially for those with small children, installing a fireplace may not be the best move.
The pros and cons weigh differently for everyone so each household needs to weigh them separately when deciding what to do.
When used creatively with log racks and other accessories, they can recreate the ambiance of the room they are a part of while performing a useful function.
The following are some reasons to have a fireplace: - To add to the decor of the house - To keep the house warm - To occupy a wall in a room - To give the room a unique feel However, as with most everything, there are also drawbacks one should consider before installing a fireplace: - Traditional fireplaces demand a lot of work when they are utilized functionally to heat the house.
Taking care of the wood supply and fireplace equipment can be quite time consuming.
Time one can spend sitting next to a nice crackling fire must also be balanced against the amount of time required to maintain the fireplace and the fire.
- A lot of cleaning is required when maintaining traditional fireplaces and log racks.
Burning wood means creating ashes which can wreak havoc in modern homes with their carpeting and electronics.
Keeping the chimney clean should also be taken into consideration.
- The sparks and ashes a fire produces can also be dangerous.
One needs to be attentive when starting a fire in their home.
Even a small spark can cause expensive damage or worse.
- Apart from the time they require, installing and maintaining fireplaces can sometimes incur a substantial financial costs.
- With problems ranging some simple messes to serious injury from fire or equipment, fireplaces and children do not mix well, and those with young children need to be especially vigilant.
For many, the costs are more than worth it.
However, especially for those with small children, installing a fireplace may not be the best move.
The pros and cons weigh differently for everyone so each household needs to weigh them separately when deciding what to do.