Cats rely on a distinct feline language composed of vocalizations, scent cues, and ear, tail, eye and fur cues to communicate. Body postures also make a statement.
Cat Body Language
Cats use body postures to smooth or establish relationships. A cat who blunders into another’s territory must be able to apologize, and the offended cat must understand, or fights would constantly erupt. Cats avoid fights by bluffing with universally understood feline postures.
Confident Cats
Confident cats face the unknown head on. This position allows them to be ready to strike or defend, if necessary. Fearful cats turn sideways and arch their backs, to look larger than they are. This bluff may make the perceived threat go away.
Cats also use scratching to show status. Scratching offers three levels of communication: visual marks, scent cues, and the action itself. Similarly, cats place themselves on high perches to show elevated social position, but retreat to low hidden areas such as under the bed to communicate lower status, uncertainty, or fearfulness. This also takes them out of competition for the most prestigious, high-ranking territory such as tops of windowsills, owner beds, and top tiers of cat trees.
Submissive Cats
Cats surrender by flattening themselves on the ground to look as small and non-threatening as possible. They tuck all four feet beneath them, and hold ears and tail tight against the body.
Cats may posture fifteen minutes or longer without fur ever flying, until one finally backs down.
The cat who chases off the less dominant cat wins the confrontation.
Affectionate Cats
Cats place themselves in vulnerable positions to communicate affection and trust. They groom one another or their owner, solicit play by rolling and presenting their tummies, and may sleep, cuddle or play together. The cat sleeping with his back to you is showing ultimate trust.
Touching noses or bumping hips as they pass also are signs of trust and affection. And the cat that leaps into your lap, turns around, and presents his (ahem!) nether regions invites you to sniff—the feline equivalent to a friendly handshake.