- <P>First it became the norm for businesses to have a website. Now you can't have any type of business without a web presence. Sometimes the difficult part is drawing customers to your website. There are so many businesses out there that it can be a challenge to figure out how to market yourself. Enter the next wave in marketing- social networking. Social networking allows you to connect directly with your customers. The hottest social networking tool right now is Twitter. If you use it carefully, Twitter can help you connect with other people in your niche and grow your business. Here are 5 great tips for using Twitter to grow your business.</P>
<P>Although it might seem counterintuitive, you can't use a business-related Twitter account solely to post advertisements and specials related to your business. Companies that use Twitter exclusively for free advertising soon find that their followers dwindle because they get tired of constantly reading ads. You should aim to have no more than one or two business-related tweets for every ten posts that you make.</P>
<P>Instead of posting advertising and business-related tidbits, use your Twitter account to post interesting tips and quotes. You might post one inspirational quote or business tip each day. People love quotes, tips, and unusual anecdotes. Doing this keeps your tweets interesting and makes sure that your readers don't feel like you are constantly advertising. Posting engaging content will ensure that your followers continue to read your tweets.</P>
<P>Ask for retweets and props. Getting your business known via Twitter is all about viral marketing. When you post interesting business-related tweets and your friends retweet them, this increases the exposure of your business. People who see your tweets on their friends' pages will be more likely to add you to their follower list as well. And of course the more exposure you have the more likely it is that your business will continue to grow.</P>
<P>When you have a Twitter account, remember that you do not necessarily have to follow everyone who follows you. Restrict your list to businesses and individuals who work in your niche industry. This ensures that the tweets you receive will be relevant to the work you do on a daily basis without having to spend too much time reading through information that isn't helpful.</P>
<P>When you do make business-related tweets make them interesting. Use Twitter to host giveaways, ask trivia questions, or seek input from your customers. Giveaways are especially good marketing. They attract lots of attention and you can even use them to gain more followers by encouraging your readers to retweet your giveaway posts. Many businesses use Twitter to seek input from customers. You might ask what services they would find valuable or which new products they would like you to carry.</P>
<P>Twitter is part of the new movement towards using social networking programs for advertising and marketing. Gaining followers and tweeting regularly can enable you to grow your business for a very low out of pocket cost. If you follow these 5 simple tips you can be sure that you are making the most of your Twitter account.</P></DIV>
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