There seems to be four items of commonplace knowledge which the most educated and sophisticated, the elite of our culture, feel convinced are truisms - but with which, surveys say, the majority of the populous disagree.
Most significant, of course, are the areas of religious faith, where leaders, led by secular academia, are solidly atheistic, with smug superiority which ridicules religion as childish.
Thus, the four conventional wisdoms (which can be easily refuted via today's Internet fact-checking search engines): 1) Science has proven that our universe is billions of years old - ergo, belief in six days of creation is nonsense; 2) Darwin-Evolutionism is thoroughly proven as scientific fact - life came about by lightning sparking a pool of rich, inorganic chemical "soup", after which simple mutations - via copying errors from splitting and re-splitting of the double helix DNA over eons of time - eventually evolved into all the creatures that inhabit Earth (to Darwinists: just accepted as fortuitous mutational happenstances! - no doubts); 3) The biblical tale of the Exodus is myth: that the Jewish people were once slaves in Egypt; that there was a Moses who led them to Canaan; that they had come to Egypt centuries earlier when a cocky young Jew named Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers, but who interpreted Pharaoh's dreams of seven years of plenty, then of famine, to save Egypt and the Mid-East; 4) Global Warming or Climate Change - a fourth "truism" has now emerged, that humankind's carbon dioxide emissions are causing Earth to overheat, melting the polar and mountain-peak snow packs, raising ocean levels - and unless all first-world nations (primarily the US - and at tremendous cost), make drastic changes in our fossil-fuel-energy basic life style, planet Earth is doomed.
Captivating as these four belief systems are - and since most of the civil leaders of society absolutely believe in them, captivating they most certainly are - however, today is the age of the Internet, and most everyone now has computer search engines at one's fingertips.
Thus, the most arcane of scientific information can now be easily researched by laymen - to refute all four conventional wisdoms.
Part 1: Universe - 13.
7 Billion Years Or/And Six Days? The Universe is billions of years old, thus the biblical six days of creation is childish - the belief of the most erudite of scientists, particularly Dr.
Richard Dawkins, the eminent author, lecturer and atheist.
With great skill at rationalization, Dawkins writes in his book, "The Blind Watchmaker": "We have seen that living things are too improbable and too beautiful to have come into existence by chance," - but he then proceeds (to disprove the statement) - "by gradual, step-by-step transformations from simple beginnings," and finally, "the cumulative selection is a fundamentally non-random process.
" However, the telling phrase is in his book's Introduction, "Since all radiometric dating methods agree that the earth is thousands of millions of years old, something obviously has to be wrong.
" Thus - per Dawkins and Darwinists, thousands of millions (billions) of years make impossible the six days of creation (as stated in the Bible).
However, apparently Dr.
Dawkins et al, do not try to understand Albert Einstein's Law of "time dilation", which drastically alters the common concept of the passage of time.
As explained by world class cosmologists such as G.
Schroeder and N.
Aviezer in their books: "Genesis and the Big Bang", "The Science of God", and "In the Beginning", time passage is experienced differently by "every" observer - relative to his own singular environment of travel-speed and gravity-force.
These physicists calculate a "Cosmic" calendar, as would be experienced by a conjectured observer in the midst of the Cosmos after the Big Bang initiated our Universe.
Darwinists, especially scientists, should read up on Einstein's Time Dilation, and learn that the age of the universe - to a theoretical observer at the center of the cosmos - with travel speed approaching that of light (Gamma Factor), coupled with an unimaginably powerful gravity force - would be (surprise, surprise) only about six cosmic days, (plus a score-or-two of thousands of Earth-years).
Per Einstein, the age of the universe, is not an "either-or", but an "also" circumstance, each observer experiencing "time" individually and differently.
Interestingly to anyone open-minded about the Bible, a comparison of the Cosmic six-days (Earth science) to the six-days of Genesis shows not a single discrepancy - and some fascinating similarities: Earth was created on day 2 in both calendars; on day 5 the Cambrian Era of 530 million Earth-years ago (60,000 fossils found of all extant animals) compares favorably to the biblical "swarming of creatures, in the water, in air and on land".
Most significant, of course, are the areas of religious faith, where leaders, led by secular academia, are solidly atheistic, with smug superiority which ridicules religion as childish.
Thus, the four conventional wisdoms (which can be easily refuted via today's Internet fact-checking search engines): 1) Science has proven that our universe is billions of years old - ergo, belief in six days of creation is nonsense; 2) Darwin-Evolutionism is thoroughly proven as scientific fact - life came about by lightning sparking a pool of rich, inorganic chemical "soup", after which simple mutations - via copying errors from splitting and re-splitting of the double helix DNA over eons of time - eventually evolved into all the creatures that inhabit Earth (to Darwinists: just accepted as fortuitous mutational happenstances! - no doubts); 3) The biblical tale of the Exodus is myth: that the Jewish people were once slaves in Egypt; that there was a Moses who led them to Canaan; that they had come to Egypt centuries earlier when a cocky young Jew named Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers, but who interpreted Pharaoh's dreams of seven years of plenty, then of famine, to save Egypt and the Mid-East; 4) Global Warming or Climate Change - a fourth "truism" has now emerged, that humankind's carbon dioxide emissions are causing Earth to overheat, melting the polar and mountain-peak snow packs, raising ocean levels - and unless all first-world nations (primarily the US - and at tremendous cost), make drastic changes in our fossil-fuel-energy basic life style, planet Earth is doomed.
Captivating as these four belief systems are - and since most of the civil leaders of society absolutely believe in them, captivating they most certainly are - however, today is the age of the Internet, and most everyone now has computer search engines at one's fingertips.
Thus, the most arcane of scientific information can now be easily researched by laymen - to refute all four conventional wisdoms.
Part 1: Universe - 13.
7 Billion Years Or/And Six Days? The Universe is billions of years old, thus the biblical six days of creation is childish - the belief of the most erudite of scientists, particularly Dr.
Richard Dawkins, the eminent author, lecturer and atheist.
With great skill at rationalization, Dawkins writes in his book, "The Blind Watchmaker": "We have seen that living things are too improbable and too beautiful to have come into existence by chance," - but he then proceeds (to disprove the statement) - "by gradual, step-by-step transformations from simple beginnings," and finally, "the cumulative selection is a fundamentally non-random process.
" However, the telling phrase is in his book's Introduction, "Since all radiometric dating methods agree that the earth is thousands of millions of years old, something obviously has to be wrong.
" Thus - per Dawkins and Darwinists, thousands of millions (billions) of years make impossible the six days of creation (as stated in the Bible).
However, apparently Dr.
Dawkins et al, do not try to understand Albert Einstein's Law of "time dilation", which drastically alters the common concept of the passage of time.
As explained by world class cosmologists such as G.
Schroeder and N.
Aviezer in their books: "Genesis and the Big Bang", "The Science of God", and "In the Beginning", time passage is experienced differently by "every" observer - relative to his own singular environment of travel-speed and gravity-force.
These physicists calculate a "Cosmic" calendar, as would be experienced by a conjectured observer in the midst of the Cosmos after the Big Bang initiated our Universe.
Darwinists, especially scientists, should read up on Einstein's Time Dilation, and learn that the age of the universe - to a theoretical observer at the center of the cosmos - with travel speed approaching that of light (Gamma Factor), coupled with an unimaginably powerful gravity force - would be (surprise, surprise) only about six cosmic days, (plus a score-or-two of thousands of Earth-years).
Per Einstein, the age of the universe, is not an "either-or", but an "also" circumstance, each observer experiencing "time" individually and differently.
Interestingly to anyone open-minded about the Bible, a comparison of the Cosmic six-days (Earth science) to the six-days of Genesis shows not a single discrepancy - and some fascinating similarities: Earth was created on day 2 in both calendars; on day 5 the Cambrian Era of 530 million Earth-years ago (60,000 fossils found of all extant animals) compares favorably to the biblical "swarming of creatures, in the water, in air and on land".