The call to Shakabaz - by Amy Wachspress - is a youth or "tween" fantasy adventure tale involving four unsuspecting youth (aging 10-14) and a family secret.
Written with humor and tasteful exploration into alternative lifestyles and different colors of skin.
Amy is well educated in English, Literature and Drama.
Her aim with this book was to introduce acceptance of multi-cultural children.
She wanted to inspire the idea of finding peaceful solutions to conflict.
African-American children in particular will enjoy seeing themselves reflected as heroes in this tale.
The "cycle of the four" has begun and the magical amulets must be passed down to the next generation of saviors.
Unfortunately, they must all be innocent of their "legacy".
Aided by many friends along the way, including Ginger, Jasper, Jack - the intuit, and a talking parrot named Bayard, the "four" - Maia, Sonja, Denzel and Doshmisi - experience many new things.
Some of these adventures include riding vegan, white tigers that are tame and guardians for their riders and meeting people of all colors of the rainbow and a wide variety of lifestyles, diets and customs; i.
tribes who eat no meat and people with blue skin.
Talking whales, underground sprites, ancient trees that communicate in their own way and other interesting adventures await every turn of the page.
Their quest to bring down Sissrath, an evil ruler in the land of Faracadar, quickly turns into vengeance.
Sibling jealousy and pride are combined with discovery of individual talents and personal growth.
Their success relies upon their success in locating a powerful woman named Clover; and when they do, they are in for a big surprise.
Original story line that includes enough cross-cultural issues, individual value, acceptance and support of varying artist and musicians, development sustainable energy sources, and ecosystem preservation to please environmentalists and conscious parents.
Currently, (May 02,2007) this book is selling well at online stores.
Published by Woza Books this paperback is 272 pages long and retails for around $15.
I am impressed that The Call To Shakabaz is printed on 100% recycled paper - a percentage of recycled content that very few publishers have reached.
With the simple map and table of contents in the beginning pages, readers will find the book an enjoyable and unique literary ride.
ISBN 10: 9780978835026 Publisher: Woza Books
Written with humor and tasteful exploration into alternative lifestyles and different colors of skin.
Amy is well educated in English, Literature and Drama.
Her aim with this book was to introduce acceptance of multi-cultural children.
She wanted to inspire the idea of finding peaceful solutions to conflict.
African-American children in particular will enjoy seeing themselves reflected as heroes in this tale.
The "cycle of the four" has begun and the magical amulets must be passed down to the next generation of saviors.
Unfortunately, they must all be innocent of their "legacy".
Aided by many friends along the way, including Ginger, Jasper, Jack - the intuit, and a talking parrot named Bayard, the "four" - Maia, Sonja, Denzel and Doshmisi - experience many new things.
Some of these adventures include riding vegan, white tigers that are tame and guardians for their riders and meeting people of all colors of the rainbow and a wide variety of lifestyles, diets and customs; i.
tribes who eat no meat and people with blue skin.
Talking whales, underground sprites, ancient trees that communicate in their own way and other interesting adventures await every turn of the page.
Their quest to bring down Sissrath, an evil ruler in the land of Faracadar, quickly turns into vengeance.
Sibling jealousy and pride are combined with discovery of individual talents and personal growth.
Their success relies upon their success in locating a powerful woman named Clover; and when they do, they are in for a big surprise.
Original story line that includes enough cross-cultural issues, individual value, acceptance and support of varying artist and musicians, development sustainable energy sources, and ecosystem preservation to please environmentalists and conscious parents.
Currently, (May 02,2007) this book is selling well at online stores.
Published by Woza Books this paperback is 272 pages long and retails for around $15.
I am impressed that The Call To Shakabaz is printed on 100% recycled paper - a percentage of recycled content that very few publishers have reached.
With the simple map and table of contents in the beginning pages, readers will find the book an enjoyable and unique literary ride.
ISBN 10: 9780978835026 Publisher: Woza Books