Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Using the Angel Tuners and Crystal Tuning Fork

The Angel Tuners are one of those sets which can be a bit of a mystery because unlike other forks, the Angel Tuners seem to connect with intuition and knowing.
What I mean is that when I use the Angel Tuners, I know they are working but it is non-local.
When I listen to these forks, I can sense the tones, particularly in the cranium almost like an echo chamber where the tones continue long after I stop tapping the forks.
Many people comment that they feel connected to the angelic or higher realms using these tuning forks.
The Angel Tuners consist of 3 forks, 4225Hz, 4160Hz and 4096Hz.
They are a very high frequency compared to other sets.
Hold 2 forks in one hand and the 3rd in the other hand, tap then move them slowly around and above the head.
You don't need to tap loud.
In fact, too loud will be disturbing to someone not prepared or ready.
Definitely do not tap them by someone's ears.
The Crystal Tuner The 4096Hz, known as the Crystal Tuner, can be used by itself.
The Crystal Tuner when used with a single pointed clear quartz crystal is one of the most powerful tuning forks available.
When you point the crystal at a specific location on the body then tap the tuning fork against the crystal, the vibration is amplified as it passes through the crystal.
The result is a focused beam of energy.
In case you are wondering, I have tried using rose quartz and citrine crystals but it did not feel the same.
I use this tuning fork with people who have had tumors, surgical procedures or pain in localized areas (kidney, joints etc.
For general use, try pointing the crystal at the bottom of the feet, top of the head or at the forehead.
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