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General Hospital Recap for November 4, 2010

The Prodigal Son Returns; Alas, a Fatted Calf is No Good for a Heart Patient

At the Quartermaine mansion, Edward complains endlessly about Luke returning there to recover. And he hasn't even arrived yet! When someone does come to the door, it's a happy surprise. It's Brenda. She puts a smile on Edward's face, and the two have a chat. He gives her something to remember Lila by before she leaves. Then it's time for Luke to make his grand entrance in a wheelchair.

He looks pretty sick, gotta give the guy credit. He looks even sicker when the canape tray goes by too fast for him to grab one, and no one gives him a drink. He then realizes that it's a heart-healthy diet and no booze and probably wishes he were dead.

Maya gets Monica alone and begs her to go along with the plan. Monica walks into the room and makes everyone leave so that she can examine Luke. Her examination is brief and to the point - if he doesn't marry Tracy within a month, she's blowing the whistle on him.

Dante Hears the Incriminating Recording p>At PCPD, Dante hears the recording that Ronnie has, which implicates Sonny in the car bombing. Why is an experienced mobster talking on the phone? Ronnie is happy that Sonny is going down, but he doesn't do a dance of joy. He knows that Dante is very torn. Dante visits Sonny, who asks him to keep an eye on Kristina while he's in the Big House.

Carly and Spinelli Probe the Brenda/Dante Former Relationship

At Jason's, Carly and Spinelli toil over the Internet and learn that Brenda was in New York in 2007 and that she had police protection.

When Jason returns, Carly gives him the information. Tantalizing, huh? Supposing Dante was one of her guards Jason brushes it up as if he couldn't care less, but it's an act. Carly and Jason argue, and Carly wants to know if he would save her or Brenda if they were both hanging over a pit of alligators. Jason doesn't answer. Carly knows that she's the saved one, smiles, and leaves. Brenda walks in as Spinelli gets the information he sought - Dante did guard Brenda in 2007. Jason again tries to pry a story out of Brenda. this time, they are interrupted by Dante, who informs them that Sonny is in custody.

Claire and Sonny Have it Out Re: Her Betrayal

When Claire and Sonny come face to face at PCPD, Claire explains that there was nothing that she could do. She had to use the evidence. She wants Diane to get him acquitted because she wants to be with him. Sonny is angry; why didn't Claire warn him? Carly walks into PCPD and wants to speak with Sonny. She offers him help. As she's leaving, Brenda is coming toward the interrogation room. Carly tells her that Sonny is in a bad way; Brenda should maybe reconsider visiting. "Okay," Brenda mutters as she walks by Carly and into the interrogation room. Priceless! Sonny doesn't want Brenda upset, but Brenda wants to be there for him the way he was for her the previous night.

Jason Questions Dante

Meanwhile, back at the penthouse, Jason is busy putting the screws to Dante about 2007. Dante knows Spinelli is the one who retrieved the info and shakes his head in wonder. Dante will only say that he guarded Brenda and that's it. No personal relationship, no nothing. Just then, he receives a text. The Balkan wants to trade Siobhan for Brenda.

A Candle in the Wind

Robin puts Emma to bed while all hell breaks loose downstairs. A candle falls on some wrapping paper, which ignites the curtains. Robin is upstairs telling Emma a fairytale which is in actuality the not to subtle story of Robin, that would be the princess, and Patrick, the prince, and a witch, that would be Lisa. With Emma asleep, Robin goes downstairs. She sees the fire and starts to run, but she trips and falls, becoming unconscious.

At GH, Patrick and Steve are doing emergency brain surgery together. The two talk about their lives and how they became doctors. Outside, Elizabeth tells Lisa off about the whole situation with Robin. She knows that Lisa knows that her very presence upsets Robin; that's why she's sticking around. For the record, Elizabeth states, she's on Robin's side. Whatever Elizabeth said bothered Lisa, who then goes to Mac's house and sees that the house is on fire. She runs inside, retrieves Emma, and hands her off to a neighbor. She then tries to revive Robin. What's Lisa up to? Looking like a saint, one imagines.
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