Glow in the dark tattoos quickly are becoming the latest trend in tattooing. Celebrities like Lil Wayne, Lindsay Lohan, Kate Moss and Khloe Kardashian all have them. This increasing trend is catching a lot of attention but it is best to be informed when considering one because there are also risks involved.
Glowing tattoos are quite a novelty. They are almost invisible by day except for the minimal scarring that may occur in the tattoo process. Tattoos that glow in the dark and ultra violet tattoos will both appear to illuminate in a darkened space. There are however differences between the types of inks used to apply them that are important to know.
Glowing ink illuminates on it's own. It contains phosphorous. The phosphors are activated in the light and become energized. When they enter a darkened space they begin glowing. This is what make it possible for the tattoo to glow in the dark. These inks have not been approved by the FDA because of the radioactive substances that are used to make them have been known to cause skin irritations and even cancer.
Ultra Violet light or a black light tattoo also appears to glow in a dark room. A tattoo like this will not be found glowing on it's own. They have the appearance of glowing when the pigment in the ink reacts to the ultra violet or black light. The black light ink is colorless in normal light. Ultra violet inks are generally considered safe.
Highlighting a normal tattoo with glowing ink is also popular. Adding this unique ink to an image gives it extra dimension. It can be a way to bring attention to existing body art.
Better known tattoo shops try to stay away from true glowing ink because of the complications that are involved with it. It is know that there is a higher rejection rate of glowing ink than regular tattoo ink. This type of tattoo has only been around for about ten years so the long term effects are widely unknown.
Staying current with the latest trends can be fun. If the trends can have an effect on ones overall health it is important to know all the facts.
Glowing tattoos are quite a novelty. They are almost invisible by day except for the minimal scarring that may occur in the tattoo process. Tattoos that glow in the dark and ultra violet tattoos will both appear to illuminate in a darkened space. There are however differences between the types of inks used to apply them that are important to know.
Glowing ink illuminates on it's own. It contains phosphorous. The phosphors are activated in the light and become energized. When they enter a darkened space they begin glowing. This is what make it possible for the tattoo to glow in the dark. These inks have not been approved by the FDA because of the radioactive substances that are used to make them have been known to cause skin irritations and even cancer.
Ultra Violet light or a black light tattoo also appears to glow in a dark room. A tattoo like this will not be found glowing on it's own. They have the appearance of glowing when the pigment in the ink reacts to the ultra violet or black light. The black light ink is colorless in normal light. Ultra violet inks are generally considered safe.
Highlighting a normal tattoo with glowing ink is also popular. Adding this unique ink to an image gives it extra dimension. It can be a way to bring attention to existing body art.
Better known tattoo shops try to stay away from true glowing ink because of the complications that are involved with it. It is know that there is a higher rejection rate of glowing ink than regular tattoo ink. This type of tattoo has only been around for about ten years so the long term effects are widely unknown.
Staying current with the latest trends can be fun. If the trends can have an effect on ones overall health it is important to know all the facts.