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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Daniel examines Chelsea in her hospital room while Kate and Nick stand by. Victor enters and questions what Chelsea’s doing back in the hospital. Daniel informs Victor that Chelsea collapsed and now she's spiking a fever. He diagnoses her as having a severe secondary infection called peritonitis. Kate lays into Daniel and Victor for Chelsea’s condition, since she warned both of them that harvesting Bo’s pancreas was too big of a risk.

“Speaking of Bo, where the hell is he?” wonders Victor. Chelsea tries to assure Kate that it’s nobody’s fault. Daniel affirms that her infection is treatable and they already have her on a strict regimen of antibiotics. Nick notes Chelsea’s bravery, which Daniel agrees with.

Elsewhere in the hospital, Lexie tries to contact Bo to let him know about Chelsea, but is unable to reach him. She urges him to call and get over to the hospital.

Victor approaches Lexie outside Chelsea’s room and asks if she had any luck finding Bo. Lexie relays how Caroline picked Bo and Kayla up last night and took them back to the pub. After Caroline headed to bed, her children took off for God knows where. Victor asks about Steve and Hope. Lexie reveals that they pulled the same disappearing act. He suspects that Lexie knows something and urges her to spill. Lexie sighs how worried Bo was when he couldn’t get in touch with Hope, then suddenly didn’t want the police involved. Victor reveals that Bo asked him about the Vitalis.

Lexie remembers that name from when she was a cop. Victor affirms that Martino Vitali is the head of the big organized crime family and suspects that the corrupt family must be involved in the disappearance of the foursome. He urges her to respect Bo’s decision of no cops involved.

Back inside Chelsea’s room, Nurse Jenny questions Daniel’s prescription for probiotics, noting that she’s never seen them used for the treatment of peritonitis. After the nurse leaves, Daniel sits next to Chelsea and puts a cloth on her forehead. He jokes how they’ll join the penguin club if she gets well. Nick opens the door, then quietly leaves unnoticed after witnessing their chummy moment.

Daniel later helps Chelsea lay back down and predicts that the fluids they just removed from her abdomen should help them target what’s making her sick. Kate and Nick re-enter, where the nurse brings Daniel the results of Chelsea’s CT scan. Daniel looks it over and says they’re getting somewhere. He proceeds to give Chelsea an injection and implores a drowsy Chelsea to stay with him and fight. Kate begins to apologize to Daniel, who completely understands her frustration earlier. Daniel steps out and gives Victor the good news that Chelsea’s fever has broken and she’s on the road to recovery. Victor expresses his gratitude. Daniel assures Victor that he’ll monitor Chelsea’s condition closely and asks if Victor wants to call Bo and Hope with the good news. Victor would if he knew how to reach them. Daniel is not pleased to hear this, since his orders to Bo were complete bed rest for the next several weeks.

Chelsea admits to Kate and Nick that she feels like Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz. “There is no place like home,” she recites. Chelsea relays a tidbit of her surfing conversation with Daniel. She admits that she has no problem putting her life in Daniel’s hands after he saved Bo’s life. Daniel opens the door and overhears, then closes it again.

Chelsea later wakes up with Daniel in the room. They profess to love each other and he kisses her, which makes her smile. It turns out she was having another fantasy about Daniel, since Nick is in her face instead of Dr. McDreamy.

Paul meets John at the DiMera mansion and wonders if it’s too dangerous for them to be seen together. “It’s not as if we’re holding hands strolling through a park,” remarks John, who needs some information on what Philip and Victor are up to. Paul wonders how he should know, rehashing how he’s been suspended from his job and will probably be indicted for fraud. “Did Philip or Victor ever try to bribe you?” questions John. By Paul’s silence, John takes it as a yes. Paul denies taking any money from the Kiriakises, although they offered double what John was paying him. John surmises that they’re willing to play dirty. Paul states they’re just fighting back and affirms that he’s loyal to John. He regrets getting involved with John in the first place and wants his life back, for his daughter’s sake. John tells him to get lost and he’ll contact Paul when he needs him. Paul questions what John will expect from him in a couple of days, predicting that the authorities will still be watching him like a hawk. John vows to make Philip regret the day he ever crossed John and declares that Paul’s going to help him do that. He orders Paul to keep his head down and his nose clean, but keeps mum about what his plan is.

John tells Paul that he’s a busy man, so Paul either needs to trust him or simply go back to his “loser life.” Paul says he’s in. John hands him a wad of cash and predicts that before long, another scandal will come along and Paul will be yesterday’s news. “Here’s to the rebirth of Paul Hollingsworth and to the demise of the Kiriakis empire,” toasts John.

At the Salem Health Club, Sami is running on the treadmill when a trainer, played by Jillian Michaels from The Biggest Loser, yells at her to get her hands off the treadmill. EJ approaches a huffing and puffing Sami and asks where the twins are. Sami says they’re with the gym’s baby-sitter. Nicole arrives and makes a crack about Sami working off those postpartum pounds. The rivals bicker about bottled water and the environment, recognizing Earth Day. Sami brings up how she and Lucas had a green wedding. “Are you sure he wasn’t just green around the gills caused he realized that he went ahead and married you?” badgers Nicole. Nicole then has a theory as to why Lucas shot EJ, but he doesn’t care to hear it. She makes a crack about how the sex in prison was probably better than it was with Sami. EJ tries to break up their argument. Sami fumes how she’s had it with both of them and needs a sauna.
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