Here is what happened on The Bold and the Beautiful the week of June 2:
Ridge shows up just as Bill and Brooke are about to take their final vows and once again insists that she is not going to marry Bill. He holds out his hand and says, "We're going back to L.A." Ridge shows Brooke the ‘selfie’ of Bill and Quinn. Bill explains it happened the night that Brooke was going to marry Bill.
He was drunk and Quinn showed up uninvited. In order to get away with Brooke, a furious Ridge punches Bill, grabs Brooke and runs off down the beach. Bill gets up and runs after them. Katie tells Quinn that she doesn't like what Quinn did, but she would love to see Bill's face when Ridge shows up. She hopes that Ridge succeeds because she wants her sister as far away from Bill as possible. Katie adds that Quinn and Bill deserve each other. He will probably not forgive her for what she did. Katie says Quinn will probably want to start packing up her stuff because she won't have a job after this. When Quinn disagrees, Katie says, "Ruthless and delusional. As gorgeous as your jewelry is, life is too short to surround yourself with someone as evil as you." Bill admits to having a fling with Quinn before he and Brooke were back together. Wyatt tells Hope that his mother sent Ridge a photo of herself in bed with Ridge. Wyatt explains it happened when Bill and Brooke were broken up, so he wasn't cheating on her.
Maybe it won't matter. Hope thinks it will matter. Wyatt and Hope decide not to let family drama interfere with their relationship -- even though Hope thinks Quinn should dial back on the crazy a little bit. Wyatt reminds Quinn that her actions are hurting people and for her to think it is going to end well is naive. If anything happens to Bill, it is on her. She shouldn't have sent a man who hates Bill. Katie tells Hope that she is okay with what Ridge is doing. She knows Ridge loves her and she isn't going to second guess it. She wants to fix her relationship with Brooke and if she marries Bill, she doesn't know if that can happen.Ridge forces Brooke into a helicopter, but Bill gives a nod to the pilot -- all is not as it appears to be. The pilot is Justin, who drops Ridge out of the helicopter into the ocean!
Brooke looks on terrified as Bill gives Justin the order to "cool Ridge off," and Justin drops Ridge out of the helicopter into the Persian Gulf. Katie leaves Ridge a voicemail when she gets a feeling that something bad has happened. Eric comes in and Katie tells him that she thinks he should fire Quinn because she is crazy and evil. Eric tries to distract Katie by showing her the wedding dress he designed for her. Eric says that Katie will make Ridge a wonderful wife. Hope breaks the news to Liam that Ridge is trying to stop the wedding -- thanks to Quinn. She tells him that Quinn took a "selfie" and sent it to Ridge. Liam tries to convince Hope that Quinn and Wyatt are not good people. How much bad does Quinn have to do before Hope gets it? Wyatt is furious with his mother for sending Ridge after his father. He is sure it is going to end in disaster. Quinn says that she is sure that Brooke will cancel the wedding and let Ridge bring her home. Wyatt wants to know, while dad does what? Wyatt predicts there will be a fight. Quinn blames Bill saying if he had been honest about them, but Wyatt points out there is no Bill and Quinn, just Bill and Brooke. Quinn insists she did nothing wrong. Liam and Hope confront Quinn and Wyatt. Liam says that if anything happens to Bill, he will make sure Quinn is prosecuted. Hope asks if it is true that Quinn planned out this outcome? Quinn lies to Hope and says she only took the photo because it was so outrageous that she and Bill were together. She never planned to use it. Liam says that is not true. She even taunted them that she would use it. Quinn says no one got hurt. Brooke pleads with Bill for help. He pretends to instruct the helicopter pilot to find Ridge and bring him back. Brooke freaks out when the hotel manager says they are doing everything they can to find "the body." Bill reassures her that Ridge is resourceful and that he isn't going out this way. Bill calls Liam to let him know that Ridge fell into the gulf. Brooke phones Katie to tell her what happened to Ridge.
Brooke tells Katie the terrible news that Ridge fell out of the helicopter and they haven't found him yet. Katie freaks out. She knew he shouldn't have gone. Caroline, Rick and Eric come into the office and Hope breaks the news to them. They are joined by Carter and Maya. Liam confronts Quinn about her role in the Ridge/Brooke/Bill scenario. How is she going to feel if she is responsible for the death of Ridge Forrester? Quinn tries to defend herself, still pretending the selfie was sent by accident. The Forrester and Logan families gather around Katie to offer assistance. Wyatt defends his mother. Liam tells his brother to wake up. R.J. might have lost his father, Eric his son, and Katie her fiance and Quinn won't acknowledge her culpability. Even Hope realizes that Quinn sent the selfie on purpose. Liam reveals to Wyatt that his father was blackmailed into making him a Spencer. Bill struggles with his guilt.He tells the search team that they aren't going to stop looking until Ridge is found. Brooke says they can't lose Ridge. He is the father of her child and her sister's fiance. When the head of the search team says they are switching to a recover mission, Brooke insists that Ridge is still alive. She can feel it. She goes in search of him. Katie and Eric take a private jet to Abu Dhabi. Bill and Justin discuss their role in the accident. Bill says he never made the call, and Justin was not flying the helicopter. Justin is upset and Bill tells him to calm down and keep quiet. Justin said they are the only ones who know that Ridge got into the wrong copter. Bill said that he never intended to kill Ridge. He needs to find out if he is still alive. What the two men don't realize is that Ridge saw the logo on Justin's jacket before he fell out of the copter.
Liam tells Hope that Quinn knew the relationship between Ridge and Bill was a power keg and she lit the match. Whatever her next explosion is, he doesn't want Hope anywhere near it. He wants Wyatt and Quinn out of her life for good. Katie places all the blame on Quinn’s selfish behavior. Eric says he is suspicious of Quinn's motivations. Katie tells him that it is obvious that Quinn doesn't want Bill married to Brooke and she used Ridge to stop the wedding. Wyatt assures Hope that he does not condone his mother’s behavior. Hope says Quinn is partly responsible for what happened to Ridge. Quinn tells Liam that he is taking advantage of the tragedy. She is not going to let him paint her as the villain. Liam tells Quinn he is not going to stop holding her feet to the fire. Wyatt tells Hope that Liam has to back off. He asks her not to let Liam tear them apart because of what his mother did. Eric tells Katie that he supports her relationship with Ridge. Bill tells Justin he just wanted to teach that little dressmaker a lesson, not kill him. Bill hopes a yacht picked him up. Brooke demands to know who was flying the helicopter. It was all his fault. Bill calls Quinn and lays into her. She tries to convince him that she sent the photo to Ridge as a favor to Bill.He tells her that he doesn't care that she is Wyatt's mother. He doesn't want to have anything to do with her ever again. Brooke says it is all Quinn's fault, except maybe for her. If she had fought Ridge harder and not gone up in the helicopter, it wouldn't have happened. Liam calls Quinn a vile, evil, manipulate bitch and Wyatt punches him in the face.
FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 2014
Hope is shocked to see a violent side of Wyatt after he punches Liam. Katie and Eric remain a rock for each other on their way to Abu Dhabi. Liam stands by what he said about Quinn. Katie and Eric arrive and Brooke updates them on the situation. Quinn promises Wyatt that she won’t let him fall for her actions. Hope makes a big decision in her love life.