Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Drinking While You"re Pregnant

When you are with child, there are a number of different things you begin to worry about.
You think about what the baby will turn out like and what kind of person it will become.
You also might begin to worry about what could be harmful to your baby while it is still inside of your stomach.
If were drinking before you got pregnant, there are a few things that you should know before you drink during your pregnancy.
Drinking while you are pregnant with a baby can lead to very serious problems for the baby when it is born.
You must realize that there is a growing baby inside of you that needs as much nourishment as you can give it.
Whatever you eat or drink will be give to your baby too through the umbilical cord.
If you give your unborn child alcohol while it is beginning to grow and develop, you could cause permanent damage to your child that could affect it the rest of its life.
When you drink while you are pregnant, you could cause your baby to have a disease known as Fetal Alcohol Syndrome of FAS.
Studies have proven that FAS is one of the most leading reasons of mental retardation in children.
FAS is a disease that can stay with a child for its entire life.
This type of disease can also affect every part of a child's life including the relationships with family and friends.
Doctors have proven that FAS can cause many other symptoms such as behavioral problems in the child as well as trouble accomplishing simple sets of instructions.
This disease can also cause problems with the child functioning socially with other children both in school and outside of school.
FAS can also cause defects in the way a child develops physically.
Drinking while you're pregnant can be a bad thing for both you and your baby while you are pregnant.
There are too many risks that can harm your baby if you even drink a small amount of alcohol while you are pregnant.
Although some people might think that a little alcohol will not harm the baby and that it is good for you, but that is incorrect.
Even a small portion of alcohol can harm your baby in many different ways.
FAS is a very harmful disease that can take over many parts of your life for just one sip of alcohol.
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