Home & Garden Swimming Pools & Water Fountains & Ponds

DIY Filter Materials

Someone recently asked me if there are any safe materials that can be used for DIY filter bags. I hadn't thought about filter media bags being particularly pricey, but after doing a quick price check I understood the reason for the question. Depending on the size, a filter media bag can cost as much as five dollars for a single bag. Even smaller bags cost nearly three dollars a piece. Not a huge amount of money, but if you have more than one aquarium, and have to replace the media bags fairly often, the cost can add up.

For that same five dollars you can purchase a pair of pantyhose or tights and make at least a half dozen or more filter media bags. Simply cut the hosiery to desired size, leaving a bit of extra length to close the ends. Either tie the end or use a small rubber band to tie off the opening, then fill with the desired media and close the other end. Voila, you have your do it yourself media bag at a fraction of the cost of a store bought bag.

Another do it yourself media bag option is fine cheesecloth. Because the cheesecloth has larger pores you'll have to use several layers, but ultimately it works pretty well. Fold it about four layers thick, add the media in the middle, then pull the ends together and tie off. Fill with media and tie off the other end. Watch for sales and you can make media bags at half the cost of what you'd buy them for.

Filter Sponges
Another do it yourself tip for filters is to use quilt cotton batting in place of sponges. A bag of batting will provide you with countless filter sponge pieces that can be cut to the desired size and shape, and at a fraction of the cost.

Filter Media
Lastly, instead of buying ceramic rings for your canister filter, consider using lava rocks. They are inexpensive and offer a huge surface area for bacterial colonization. Take care to use new lava rock, as rock that has been used in landscaping may contain residual materials from lawn treatments.
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