- Lots of dust comes into your home through your windows and doors. This is especially true of those who live in areas with high levels of pollution or excessive exterior dust. You can see this by noticing that there is more dust on your windowsill than the rest of a room.
- Static electricity actually attracts dust. One way to lessen the amount of static in your home is to increase the humidity. The home should have a humidity level between 40 to 50 percent. Your room might have excessive dust if it is very dry.
- Dust can move throughout your home from a dirty furnace or air-conditioning system. Replace filters as soon as they become covered in dust. Frequency will depend on your home and your system, but it can range anywhere from every three to 12 months. Choose high-efficiency particulate-air (HEPA) filters that will remove the dust particles.
- Area rugs can trap a lot of dust. Every time you sit on the rug or walk on it, you could be stirring up the dust to settle elsewhere in the room. Vacuum the rug often with a HEPA-filter vacuum, which will suck up even very small dust particles. Alternatively, shake or beat the rugs outside to remove most of the dust. Always do this before putting a used rug inside your home as it might bright a lot of dust into your home.
Air Conditioning & Furnaces