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Artificial Grass - What Are the Benefits?

Are there really benefits to having artificial grass over the real thing? Actually, there are, especially when it's well made and natural looking.
Artificial grass can be sand filled (Astroturf), and it can also actually be sand free, so synthetic grass surfaces come in several different types, depending on what you need them for.
For example, you can use this type of synthetic grass for your children's play area, rooftop garden, back garden, or an outside office area.
Here are some benefits of having artificial grass versus "real" grass: No matter the season, it looks great It doesn't matter whether it's the dead of winter or the middle of a drought.
Unlike real grass, THIS grass doesn't go dormant or die during inclement weather or difficult seasons.
You don't need to mow it.
Unlike real grass, synthetic grass doesn't need to be mowed, so you can toss that little chore aside.
It looks natural without the work of real grass Unlike manufactured grasses of previous decades, today's looks so natural you won't be able to tell it from the real thing -- except for when it comes to taking care of it, of course.
Unlike real grass, this doesn't need to "be taken care of.
" Instead, you just turf and forget about it, except to enjoy it.
You don't need to water it.
Unlike real grass, you don't need to water this.
This can give you a significant savings in water usage, and can especially make you grateful for it during times of restricted water usage.
In that case, while your neighbors will be decrying the state of their lawns, you can sit back and rest assured that your green lawn is yours forever.
Resistant to UV rays: It won't fade under extensive sun cover.
No mud to deal with: During inclement weather, real grass can leave you swimming in mud.
Not so with manmade grass.
It's neat, clean and dirt free.
Got allergies? Not anymore -- at least from your grass: While synthetic grass may not entirely take away your allergies if you are a hay fever sufferer, it can certainly minimize them to a great extent, since that's one less allergenic source to deal with.
Pets love it, too: Just like the real thing, pets love this grass; fact, they really can't tell the difference.
You can use it "forever" Synthetic grass is very sturdy, so that you can put it in and forget it for several years.
And because you can leave it out all year round, you can have green grass in the middle of winter even if you live in a cold climate, unlike your neighbors.
So give artificial grass a try.
It's very low maintenance as compared to the real thing, but looks just like it so that you have a lot less work on your hands.
And unlike its predecessors of years gone by, it's likely that you won't even be able to tell the difference in a glance when compared to real grass.
No fuss, and no muss!
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