Health & Medical Body building

5 Day Split for Mad Muscle Growth

Hey guys, for the more hardcore amongst you, I thought I'd add a good 5 day split that you can follow.
If you're reasonably experienced in Weightlifting then this will be ideal for you to increase the results that you're currently getting.
I personally used to perform this workout however at the moment I am undertaking Elliot Hulse and Mike Westerdal's famous Lean Hybrid Muscle system! Here it is: 5 DAY SPLIT Monday - chest Heavy flat bench press - 5x5 reps Incline dumbbell press - 3x12 reps decline dumbbell press - 3x12 reps Cable flys - 3x15 reps Tuesday - legs Heavy squats - 5x5 reps Leg curls - 3x10 - 12 reps Leg extensions - 3x10 - 12 reps stiff leg deadlifts - 3x10 reps Wednesday - arms close grip bench press - 3x12 reps barbell curls - 3x12 reps skull crushers - 3x10 reps incline dumbbell hammer curls - 3x12 reps tricep pushdowns - 3x12 reps dumbbell concentration curl controlled negatives - 3x10 reps Thursday - shoulders seated barbell shoulder press - 5x5 reps front dumbbell raise - 3x10 reps side lateral dumbbell raise - 3x10 reps rear raise (reverse pec dec) - 3x10 reps shrugs - 2x25 reps Friday - back Deadlifts - 5x5 reps pull - downs - chin ups - 3x12 reps single arm dumbbell rows - 3x10 reps face pulls - 3x12 reps AS WELL AS: Calve raises - Tuesday and Friday Abs - Monday and Thursday Cardio - certainly at the weekend, but any other day as well, it's great There you have it, a great and easy to follow 5 day split programme! The idea behind it is that you train each and every muscle equally and you train them hard! The structure of the workouts are so that you should not be too exhausted to complete the next workout.
You should in theory be able to carry on doing this 5 day split for weeks on end.
However some inexperienced bodybuilders and trainees suffer from bad pain after a hard workout.
This is nothing to worry about, it just means that your muscles have had to work a lot harder than usual.
The normal period for you to be in pain is 3 days after the workout.
When you start becoming more regular in your workouts this pain will decrease and decrease until the point where you get no muscular pain after working out, and therefore you can train harder, and experience more growth! Hopefully from this workout routine you should experience some extreme muscle growth, however everybody is different and we are definitely not promising that every single person that does this will succeed 100%, we are just going on what we thoroughly believe to be true and effective.
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