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Gaining Grandparents Rights and the Unconditional Love That Must Follow

If you are having a hard time visiting with your grandchildren you may be able to gain the right to have grandparents visitation rights.
The first thing you may want to consider is talking with the parents and trying to resolve the issue with them before you take any drastic steps.
Try to understand why they have a problem with you spending time with your grandchildren.
It is not a normal situation this happens.
If you can work something out it will be better for everyone involved.
That said if the parents are not willing to work it out you may have to contact a lawyer.
Above all else you want to keep as much of this as possible without involving the little ones.
If and when you start visiting with your grandchildren never talk about their parents to them You must offer only unconditional love and support to them because they are victims here to.
they should never be ask to choose between you and their parents.
If you need help with questions contact the GRO.
HISTORY AND PURPOSE OF GRO: Grandparents Rights Organization is a national volunteer nonprofit organization founded in 1984 by executive director, attorney Richard S.
The purpose of this organization is to educate and support grandparents and grandchildren and help them continue a relationship that may be threatened with loss of contact.
This usually happens following: family disagreement; a child being born out of wedlock; the death of a parent.
This is only one place you can contact for help and they are a nonprofit organization.
The most important thing is to always remember that the children learn from not only what we tell them, but also from what they see.
Adults should always put themselves second to the needs of their children/grandchildren.
Grandparents rights should not be taken lightly and if you do gain the rights to see your grandchildren(and you should) always treat them with unconditional love and respect.
Most states will take into consideration the best interest of the child and use the following to determine the child's best interest.
Who really can say what the best interest of the child will be but sometimes the child.
People always say that it will be in the best interest of the child but do they ever ask the child what they want to happen.
From what I have seen of my grandchildren is that children in homes of parents who abuse drugs are more mature than most children.
I have one granddaughter who was having to feed herself at the age of three if she wanted to be feed.
How many of you were having to worry about where your next meal would come from at the age of three? What can you do to help? LOVE THEM and let them know that you do.
Let your love be unconditional and even if you do not believe as they do (and you probably will not) let them know that it is OK for them to love their parents.
Do not ever make them feel like that they should not love their parents or have to hide their love.
Let your grandchildren know that you love them and that you're not going anywhere.
Listen when they want to talk about their parent.
Let them know that it's "okay" to feel the way they do-even if their feelings are different from your feelings.
A child may miss his or her parent and want to see the parent often.
On the other hand, you may be angry at the parent and want no contact.
You and your grandchild don't have to feel the same things.
But you must respect the child's feelings.
Don't try to change those feelings.
Remember that no matter how bad this parent acts is that this child loves them unconditionally and will do most anything to be back with their Mommy and Daddy and if you think about it that's the way it should be.
Our mothers and fathers are the most important people ( are should be) in our lives.
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