Now that you have found balanced lobes, let's look at a leaf with lobes that branch off in either a palmate or pinnate manner. Let's continue...
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Does your tree have a leaf where ribs or veins radiate out of the stalk or petiole attachment like fingers on a hand (palmate)? If so, continue to maple, sweetgum, sycamore and yellow poplar...
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Does your tree have a leaf where ribs or veins into lobes arise from several places along central vein or midrib (pinnate)? If so, continue to white oak, red oak and American holly...More »
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1. Palmately Lobed Leaf
Does your tree have a leaf where ribs or veins radiate out of the stalk or petiole attachment like fingers on a hand (palmate)? If so, continue to maple, sweetgum, sycamore and yellow poplar...
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2. Pinnately Lobed Leaf
Does your tree have a leaf where ribs or veins into lobes arise from several places along central vein or midrib (pinnate)? If so, continue to white oak, red oak and American holly...More »