- 1). Begin drying cherries as soon as possible after harvesting. If you need to keep cherries before beginning drying, leave them in the baskets and place them in a cool, shady location. Do not wait more than a day to begin drying, otherwise the cherries will begin to spoil.
- 2). Spread the cherries in thin, even layers out in the sun on a concrete or brick slab, or on raised drying racks. The layers of coffee cherries should be no thicker than 1 and a half inches. The drying slabs or racks should be placed away from walls as well as environments where there are large amounts of chemical substances or emissions.
- 3). Remove any under-ripe, overripe or damaged cherries. Remove any loose detritus and debris like leaves and twigs.
- 4). Store the cherries on the drying slabs or racks for three to four weeks.
- 5). Rake the cherries daily to ensure even and consistent drying. Do not add newly picked cherries to this batch.
- 6). Cover the cherries at night with a tarp to prevent the dew from stinting the drying process.
- 7). Hull your coffee cherries as soon as they are dried.