Business & Finance Advertising & sales & Marketing

How Would Your Life Improve If You Closed 1 Out of Every 3 Prospects You Spoke With?

Out of all of the potential prospects that contact you each month, how many do you convert into an actual client? 1 out of 10? 1 out of every 7? What would life be like if you were closing 1 out of 3? How much extra revenue would that generate for you? And what if these were desirable prospects/clients as well? Wouldn't life be grand if you didn't have to work so hard to attract this type of business for your lawyer internet marketing?
One of the fallacies we fool ourselves with is that the solution for lack of business is to simply generate more prospects. What I find is that many of my clients don't need more prospects; they just need more clients from the prospects they're already getting.
I have a close friend, who even in this day and age, still sells vacuum cleaners door to door. Mind you, these aren't el-cheapo machines either, retailing for about $1495.00 each. This guy's the quintessential salesman too. Do you know what his personal record is for sales? I'll tell you: there's a time that 27 consecutive home visits placed an order. 27 of them; seriously, I'm not joking. It happened.
What does vacuum cleaner sales have to do with the profession of lawyer internet marketing Lots actually; let me explain. Now granted, my friend made a conscious effort to track and improve his sales techniques over the years. But you're a lawyer and you invest whatever spare time you have in your legal skills, after you've cared for your existing clients. You just don't have the time to invest in that part of your professional career, or do you?
As an attorney, have you ever considered the techniques you use to influence or 'sell' a jury? Or the negotiating tactics you use to achieve, or 'sell' a desired objective with the opposing party? So why do so many attorney's have a mental roadblock about completing a transaction with somebody that actually wants to give you money in exchange for your legal expertise?
Selling a prospect is different than communicating with a jury; there's certain technique that you can use to greatly improve your success. There are clearly things you don't want to say; and there's little seeds of doubt that you want to create in their mind if they contemplated talking to anyone else.
None of this turns you into a 'sleazy' salesperson, it just reinforces the perception of the successful legal marketing services that you already are!
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