- 1). Disconnect the circuit breaker in your box dedicated to the oven or range.
- 2). Remove the terminal block cover on the bottom-left side of the rear of the oven or range. The terminal block cover is a metal plate covering the wire terminals.
- 3). Remove the three nuts connected to the middle post using the adjustable wrench.
- 4). Attach the strain-relief panel (included with the oven) below the terminals using the two screws included with the strain-relief kit. If using a power supply cord, place the side labeled "Cord" down, otherwise, place the side labeled "Conduit" down.
- 5). Cut the metal grounding strip attached to the grounding screw, located below the terminal if using a four-wire connection. If using a three-wire connection, this strap must remain in place.
- 6). Feed the cable through the hole through the bottom of the strain-relief panel so the power cable can reach the terminals.
- 7). Use the nuts you removed earlier to secure the power cables to the terminals.
- 8). Connect a four-wire power supply cable to the terminals by connecting the black cable to the left terminal, the red cable to the right terminal, the white cable to the center terminal and the green cable to the grounding screw, which is below the terminals. To connect to the grounding screw, loosen the screw using a Phillips screwdriver, then wrap the looped end around the screw post and re-tighten.
- 9). Connect a three-wire power supply cable to the terminals by connecting the black cable to the left terminal, the red cable to the right terminal, the white cable to the center terminal.
- 10
Connect a four-wire direct wire cable to the terminals by connecting the black cable to the left terminal, the red cable to the right terminal, the white cable to the center terminal and the green cable to the grounding screw, which is below the terminals. To connect to the grounding screw, loosen the screw using a Phillips screwdriver, then wrap the looped end around the screw post and re-tighten. - 11
Connect a three-wire direct wire cable to the terminals by connecting the black cable to the left terminal, the red cable to the right terminal, the bare cable to the center terminal. - 12
Replace the terminal block cover and plug the power supply cable into the wall outlet, if you are using a power supply cable. - 13
Restore power to the oven once the oven is against the wall to complete the electrical wiring.