Society & Culture & Entertainment Religion & Spirituality

Great Sunday School Lessons

    Jesus and Prophecy

    • Jesus is the cornerstone of Christianity. For a great Sunday School lesson, study the prophecies found throughout the Old Testament, then discuss the verses in the New Testament where we see those prophecies fulfilled through Jesus Christ. As additional study, also discuss the prophecies He still must fulfill, such as the Second Coming and the Millennial Reign. You can alter the depth of this study to suit any age group within your class.

    Fruit of the Spirit

    • As a Christian, you are expected to exemplify the fruit of the Spirit. The King James version of the Bible describes this fruit as love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance. A great Sunday School lesson would go through each of these aspects of the fruit of the Spirit individually and teach your students how to apply them to their lives.


    • The story of Moses has long been a staple of Christian Sunday School lessons. The powerful images of his story and the intricate spiritual lessons of his life lend themselves to great versatility of study. For example, you can teach young children the basic but fascinating tale of his mother's daring sacrifice to save him from slaughter as an infant, his rearing as an Egyptian prince, his return to his people and his emergence as their leader to deliver them out of slavery. With adults, you can discuss the spiritual awakening and sense of moral outrage that caused Moses' transformation from privileged prince to rebel leader.

    Psalm 23

    • "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want." (King James version)

      A source of comfort for centuries, this psalm remains popular with modern-day Christians. Depicting God as a loving shepherd, leading and comforting His sheep, much of the meaning of this psalm is lost on those who lack understanding of the important work of a shepherd. Lead a discussion on the relationship between an actual shepherd and his sheep, then have your students compare what they've learned with the words of Psalm 23 to gain a better understanding of its meaning for the Lord's people.

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