A peaceful world is the dream of every human being. A world where there is no war, no terrorism, etc. A world where everybody is treated equally irrespective of political and religious background. A world where people are not judged based on race and tribe. There is hardly a day that we do not hear of war, terrorism, ethnic and religious conflicts, and all the myriad on the theme of armed conflict. This issue of conflict threatens every aspect of human endeavour and existence. Apart from armed conflicts, there is also the issue of environmental degradation. Climate change threatens our existence. Now that all these have surfaced, the question is what we can do to solve them and return to peace. We need to put out the fire while the blaze is still small. The greater human community must be prepaid to stop violence-ethnic, religious, political, and environmental – in any form at all time. We face many practical problems for which there is no quick fix or easy solution. We must choose optimism, and not be discouraged. A peaceful future is the real option we have.
Numerous factors, processes and actions are responsible for the conflicts that today plaque our world. Some of these are racism, nepotism, tribalism, inequality before the law, abuse of human rights, abuse of privileges, illiteracy, unemployment, harsh working conditions, greediness, egotism, bad political ideologies, religious intolerance and extremism, xenophobia, poverty, marginalisation, over exploitation, etc. All these sum up to cause unrest and anarchy.
I thank our creator that man was created with the ability to think his way out of every problem, no matter the size. I'm hopeful that if we act now, achieving a peaceful world is still within our reach. Everyone has a stake in this: parents, youths, children, soldiers, scientists and environmentalists, all of us. This is the work of a life time for any of us who choose long life and health for our children and our selves. The role that other youths and I can play in creating a peaceful world today is very important. Firstly, we must always use dialogue or negotiation to resolve issues and encourage others to do likewise. The world is full of conflicts today because issues that can be resolved with simple dialogue are been handled with military might. Peaceful resolution of conflicts through mandatory negotiation is the future and path to a peaceful world. For instance, various treaties and pacts signed by the different world leaders have almost completely solved the problem of nuclear proliferation and help to prevent wars in many areas. Therefore if someone annoys me, I should not fight the person. Instead, we can meet some day and settle our differences amicably. In doing this, peace will surely reign.
Another useful role for me to play in creating a peaceful world is to always be a good citizen and good ambassador wherever I find myself. Every country has their rules. We should be able to pay our tax, avoid breaking traffic rules amongst others.
We should be able to accommodate other people's culture as long as it does not in any way threaten my peace and global peace. For instance if am a Christian, I should be able to live peacefully with someone who is from another religion. I must learn to respect other people's way of life. I must avoid all forms of discrimination. I must learn to treat everybody equally irrespective of their race, tribe, religion and country.
Helping people in need is another important role that we can play to make this world peaceful. So many people with good visions which could have transformed the world are been destroyed every day because nobody is willing to help them. Poverty have forced people into lifestyles they never wished for. Also, I must avoid greediness and self centeredness.
Other roles are; avoid abusing privileges; Peace also requires vigilance and courage. The vigilance here is not just for me alone but for every other person, our country and planet. When I see people using prohibited substances, I should quickly report to the authorities for appropriate action. Furthermore, my role in creating a peaceful world, also require some duties to my environment. We must stop engaging in activities that exacerbate environmental problems like climate change, desertification, etc. Creating a peaceful world also require an enlightened populace. Therefore I can also play a role in campaign for peace and orientation.
In conclusion, the various roles that I need to play in creating a peaceful world can be summarised into: change of attitude and love. If we actually love our neighbours as ourselves, not only will there be a peaceful world, there will be other benefits like prosperity and progress.
A peaceful world is the dream of every human being. A world where there is no war, no terrorism, etc. A world where everybody is treated equally irrespective of political and religious background. A world where people are not judged based on race and tribe. There is hardly a day that we do not hear of war, terrorism, ethnic and religious conflicts, and all the myriad on the theme of armed conflict. This issue of conflict threatens every aspect of human endeavour and existence. Apart from armed conflicts, there is also the issue of environmental degradation. Climate change threatens our existence. Now that all these have surfaced, the question is what we can do to solve them and return to peace. We need to put out the fire while the blaze is still small. The greater human community must be prepaid to stop violence-ethnic, religious, political, and environmental – in any form at all time. We face many practical problems for which there is no quick fix or easy solution. We must choose optimism, and not be discouraged. A peaceful future is the real option we have.
Numerous factors, processes and actions are responsible for the conflicts that today plaque our world. Some of these are racism, nepotism, tribalism, inequality before the law, abuse of human rights, abuse of privileges, illiteracy, unemployment, harsh working conditions, greediness, egotism, bad political ideologies, religious intolerance and extremism, xenophobia, poverty, marginalisation, over exploitation, etc. All these sum up to cause unrest and anarchy.
I thank our creator that man was created with the ability to think his way out of every problem, no matter the size. I'm hopeful that if we act now, achieving a peaceful world is still within our reach. Everyone has a stake in this: parents, youths, children, soldiers, scientists and environmentalists, all of us. This is the work of a life time for any of us who choose long life and health for our children and our selves. The role that other youths and I can play in creating a peaceful world today is very important. Firstly, we must always use dialogue or negotiation to resolve issues and encourage others to do likewise. The world is full of conflicts today because issues that can be resolved with simple dialogue are been handled with military might. Peaceful resolution of conflicts through mandatory negotiation is the future and path to a peaceful world. For instance, various treaties and pacts signed by the different world leaders have almost completely solved the problem of nuclear proliferation and help to prevent wars in many areas. Therefore if someone annoys me, I should not fight the person. Instead, we can meet some day and settle our differences amicably. In doing this, peace will surely reign.
Another useful role for me to play in creating a peaceful world is to always be a good citizen and good ambassador wherever I find myself. Every country has their rules. We should be able to pay our tax, avoid breaking traffic rules amongst others.
We should be able to accommodate other people's culture as long as it does not in any way threaten my peace and global peace. For instance if am a Christian, I should be able to live peacefully with someone who is from another religion. I must learn to respect other people's way of life. I must avoid all forms of discrimination. I must learn to treat everybody equally irrespective of their race, tribe, religion and country.
Helping people in need is another important role that we can play to make this world peaceful. So many people with good visions which could have transformed the world are been destroyed every day because nobody is willing to help them. Poverty have forced people into lifestyles they never wished for. Also, I must avoid greediness and self centeredness.
Other roles are; avoid abusing privileges; Peace also requires vigilance and courage. The vigilance here is not just for me alone but for every other person, our country and planet. When I see people using prohibited substances, I should quickly report to the authorities for appropriate action. Furthermore, my role in creating a peaceful world, also require some duties to my environment. We must stop engaging in activities that exacerbate environmental problems like climate change, desertification, etc. Creating a peaceful world also require an enlightened populace. Therefore I can also play a role in campaign for peace and orientation.
In conclusion, the various roles that I need to play in creating a peaceful world can be summarised into: change of attitude and love. If we actually love our neighbours as ourselves, not only will there be a peaceful world, there will be other benefits like prosperity and progress.