Health & Medical Lose Weight

How To Alter the Perception of Your Body to Unleash the Healthiest You

If you are overweight, having a healthy perception of your body can be quite challenging. Nonetheless, you will find yourself constantly failing every diet program you try without reprogramming your mind. Again, the biggest enemy of any alteration in perception is the thought process and justification that comes with believing, "This is just the way I am." In part I, I cautioned against trying to change yourself too much. Finding a healthy balance in between doing nothing and expecting too much out of yourself is key. So how do you change this perception? Here are some techniques I used to lose almost 100 pounds.

<b>1. Start With a Bit of Acceptance</b>
 Accepting that this is your body, for better or worse, is very important. Part of this acceptance will be understanding what kind of changes your body is capable of. It is unhealthy and unrealistic for you to want to be 6'4'' if you have reached maturity and peak at 5'11''. Again, the point of this article series is to adjust your perceptions so that they don't get in the way of creating a more successful reality for yourself. The root of reality is real, so it does you far more harm than good to focus on what you can never be. Ladies, this particularly applies to you. Not everyone has the genetics to look like the women society defines as models. So what good does it do to stress over what you are not capable of? It will not add years to your life, it will not add money to your bank account, and it will leave you without fulfilling relationships.

To paraphrase Stephen Covey, one cannot get the most out of relationships without first being an independent functional human being. A huge part of being independent is the acceptance of yourself as an individual capable of change, but still a unique individual. So accept your body for better or worse. This acceptance will empower you to make realistic changes necessary to be healthy and have a long and fulfilling life.

<b>2. Move from Acceptance to Being Excited About Making the New You</b>
So you have accepted that you are unique, now what? The next step is to be excited about your body and what you can become. You are uniquely beautiful. You must think positively of this uniqueness. No one past, present, or future has ever looked quite like you. You owe it to yourself to become the best version of yourself possible. Again, you do NOT owe it to any other person, to society, or to any other outside standard. You owe it to yourself and yourself alone. This life is an adventure. Live it to the fullest. Part of a full life is becoming the best, healthiest physical version of yourself possible.

Remember, changing your perception requires action. Be proactive and success will surely come. You are capable of reaching your goals, no matter how distant they may seem. Many others have walked the path of weight loss and succeeded. If you are ready, go forward and embrace the healthiest version of yourself there is.  Sign up for our Excellent Self Newsletter to gain access to more information on weight loss and the critical role your mind plays in the process.
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