According to recent studies, the morale of employees in any organization has an impact on the productivity of the same. If the employees are dissatisfied or stressed out, it would have a bearing on the quality and quantity of work they are able to deliver. It does not take much to understand the simple fact that happy employees can get more work done than others who are demotivated or tensed up over different issues. As a business manager, or a head of a company, the onus in on you to boost the morale of your employees at frequent intervals. Investing in corporate team building for morale boost can be quite a rewarding experience, where you get back more than what you might have invested in the same.
Sometimes, simply stating a few words of thanks to someone who has worked really hard in getting projects delivered would suffice to build that person's motivation. A sincere admiration for a job well done can be a really motivating force, propelling the people at the receiving end of such compliments to greater heights of productivity. You can also recognize the employees who have contributed to the overall growth in a particular quarter through small rewards, such as pizza party or free vouchers to online stores.
However, there is one downside to such techniques. Singling out people can sometimes work to your disadvantage and act like a deterrent for others to perform. A better alternative is to organize corporate team building activities, where the people in a group can come together and do something interesting and meaningful with their time. This can be anything from an all-day off-site activity to being a part of a novel or humanitarian cause.
The latter option, where the people in a team come together towards the betterment of the others in their immediate society works really well to inculcate a feeling of achievement and satisfaction. There is nothing like helping someone in need to get back the perspective on events and circumstances.
When you have worked as a group and contributed to bring a smile to the face of a sick kid, the sense of hope and purpose you achieve is immense. Such activities help you appreciate the fact that there are more important things to life that the next promotion or the corner cabin. You can rise above the petty day to day issues and get back the much needed positivity within your work space. This kind of corporate team building initiatives for morale boost can bring back the much needed empathy to our corporate environments.
As someone in charge of your team, you can get in touch with a non-profit organization helping others through their various initiatives, be a part of some of them, and help the people in your team to give back to society by helping others. This can be a really great morale boost, where the team members feel a sense of purpose and inner satisfaction.
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Sometimes, simply stating a few words of thanks to someone who has worked really hard in getting projects delivered would suffice to build that person's motivation. A sincere admiration for a job well done can be a really motivating force, propelling the people at the receiving end of such compliments to greater heights of productivity. You can also recognize the employees who have contributed to the overall growth in a particular quarter through small rewards, such as pizza party or free vouchers to online stores.
However, there is one downside to such techniques. Singling out people can sometimes work to your disadvantage and act like a deterrent for others to perform. A better alternative is to organize corporate team building activities, where the people in a group can come together and do something interesting and meaningful with their time. This can be anything from an all-day off-site activity to being a part of a novel or humanitarian cause.
The latter option, where the people in a team come together towards the betterment of the others in their immediate society works really well to inculcate a feeling of achievement and satisfaction. There is nothing like helping someone in need to get back the perspective on events and circumstances.
When you have worked as a group and contributed to bring a smile to the face of a sick kid, the sense of hope and purpose you achieve is immense. Such activities help you appreciate the fact that there are more important things to life that the next promotion or the corner cabin. You can rise above the petty day to day issues and get back the much needed positivity within your work space. This kind of corporate team building initiatives for morale boost can bring back the much needed empathy to our corporate environments.
As someone in charge of your team, you can get in touch with a non-profit organization helping others through their various initiatives, be a part of some of them, and help the people in your team to give back to society by helping others. This can be a really great morale boost, where the team members feel a sense of purpose and inner satisfaction.
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