Many changes have been made in home security systems due to new technologies entering the marketplace. Homeowners can enjoy a new level of ease and comfort when not at home, thanks to these advances. Read on to see some of the options available to prepared homeowners then and now.
1. The Watchdog. It's a classic image- the ferocious dog salivating and gnashing, chasing a robber with a black and white striped sweater and ski-mask down the street and into oblivion... However, the reality is that not all families can afford the time, money, or energy to maintain a pet of this nature. Besides needing food and shelter, pets need attention, caring, and exercise. In the busy world of today's families, it can be difficult to squeeze in time for a pet between board meetings and soccer practices. Luckily, technology can be the answer. Although we've not yet worked out how to put hours back into the day, we can create the illusion that ferocious Fido will mangle any robber that dares enter your home. How? An electronic counterpart with infrared eyes can detect intruders, and bark up a storm, serving as a home alarm system. The realistic quality of the barking sends thieves running, not wanting to mess with a ferocious creature, and not bothering to attempt entry into your home.
2. Timed Lights. Borrowing technology from your Christmas tree can only do so much to protect a home, as these lights are set to go on an off at pre-determined intervals for extended periods of time (days or weeks). Any burglar with even a bit of patience and observational skills will quickly detect this pattern when staking out a house, and will not likely be deterred. A better home security system? Set your outdoor lights with motion detectors. Not only a threat to thieves, but helpful when coming home after dark to a pitch black driveway, home and lawn, these high-intensity lights are unexpected, and therefore more likely to stop thieves in their tracks. Just imagine the light clicking on to the sound of your new electric Rottweiler... not very inviting to the surprised burglar!
3. Motion Sensitive Lights. Wait... wasn't this one of the technologically advanced options? For those of us living on a modest budget, motion sensitive lights are a great security feature. Moving into the next generation of security systems, be on the lookout for motion sensitive cameras! Placed strategically around homes and lawns, homeowners can tilt, zoom, and pan across their property from remote locations to get the full live-action view of what's happening. Images are recorded digitally, and can be referenced later by both the homeowner and law enforcement officials. Link up to the internet, and have full live coverage of your home from wherever you may roam. Should anything turn suspicious these security systems will trip a home alarm system, and owners will be notified instantaneously. How's that for being on top of things?
1. The Watchdog. It's a classic image- the ferocious dog salivating and gnashing, chasing a robber with a black and white striped sweater and ski-mask down the street and into oblivion... However, the reality is that not all families can afford the time, money, or energy to maintain a pet of this nature. Besides needing food and shelter, pets need attention, caring, and exercise. In the busy world of today's families, it can be difficult to squeeze in time for a pet between board meetings and soccer practices. Luckily, technology can be the answer. Although we've not yet worked out how to put hours back into the day, we can create the illusion that ferocious Fido will mangle any robber that dares enter your home. How? An electronic counterpart with infrared eyes can detect intruders, and bark up a storm, serving as a home alarm system. The realistic quality of the barking sends thieves running, not wanting to mess with a ferocious creature, and not bothering to attempt entry into your home.
2. Timed Lights. Borrowing technology from your Christmas tree can only do so much to protect a home, as these lights are set to go on an off at pre-determined intervals for extended periods of time (days or weeks). Any burglar with even a bit of patience and observational skills will quickly detect this pattern when staking out a house, and will not likely be deterred. A better home security system? Set your outdoor lights with motion detectors. Not only a threat to thieves, but helpful when coming home after dark to a pitch black driveway, home and lawn, these high-intensity lights are unexpected, and therefore more likely to stop thieves in their tracks. Just imagine the light clicking on to the sound of your new electric Rottweiler... not very inviting to the surprised burglar!
3. Motion Sensitive Lights. Wait... wasn't this one of the technologically advanced options? For those of us living on a modest budget, motion sensitive lights are a great security feature. Moving into the next generation of security systems, be on the lookout for motion sensitive cameras! Placed strategically around homes and lawns, homeowners can tilt, zoom, and pan across their property from remote locations to get the full live-action view of what's happening. Images are recorded digitally, and can be referenced later by both the homeowner and law enforcement officials. Link up to the internet, and have full live coverage of your home from wherever you may roam. Should anything turn suspicious these security systems will trip a home alarm system, and owners will be notified instantaneously. How's that for being on top of things?