Society & Culture & Entertainment Reading & Book Reviews

Poems for the Soul or The Galilean

1) God Hated Imprisonment by addictions by self-absorptions, this is not freedom, yet man continues with his self-seeking prideful soul, to have the big lie: to hate the God of Love, Why? He challenges us to go beyond ourselves.
To step away from a world of paganism, where one turns his head away from the sufferings of others-to have compassion.
#3484 (12-14-2012) 2) A Mysterious Figure Christ, God's new creation, also his first thought when creating, which predates all that ever was or will be created -He is our example when trying to please God the Father.
#3485 (12-14-2012) 3) Church of the Nativity Christ, who come into the world as a stranger, - born in a manger, in a grotto now called, the Church of the Nativity: to the iron brood ends of earth, would he send the message, that came out of Bethlehem...
that He was the change, for the new beginning-! #3486(12-14-2012) 4) From Caesar to Christ (Pax Christi/Pax Augusgti) Poetic Prose Life in the days of Caesar Augustus came upon man throughout all the lands, a new world order with peace and harmony-under his command, a legacy that would last 250-years! In a like manner, in time yet to be, another dictator would rule the world and bring about harmony, and then break her to her knees, in blood and grief...
thus, both Caesar and the Antichrist would carry this link, and in between, came the birth of Christ, who would usher in a new era-, with this new event, hastening in the Kingdom of Heaven, and again a new beginning, for man...
! #3487 (12-14-2012) 5) The New Human Existence When Jesus appeared on the scene, he brought with him a new manner of existence, a new beginning.
All who believed in him became the Children of Jehovah! Hence, it had a new startling origin-He was the new Adam, and more than that.
For he was not the breath of God, rather the Son...
the only one: from Adam to David to Joseph, the genealogy went, stopped with Mary, the mother of Jesus-and then, started back up again anew, henceforward, those who believed in Christ by faith alone, became the Children of God, for God the Father was Christ's origin.
Mary the Daughter of Zion fulfilled their prophecies begotten by the Holy Spirit: likened to the Arch of the Covenant, the place where God truly dwells, she was God's living tent.
In consequence, man now could pass into Him, because he had passed into man; accordingly, man could be born again, and by doing so, experience a new beginning, for Christ in the Flesh was God's new creation.
#3488 (12-14-2012) Poetic Prose Dedicated to Jesus Tasa Cervantes 6) The Magi The Magi, a Persian caste, priests of the Far East-philosophers, no doubt! -of supernatural knowledge! Wisdom led them to the Messiah, casting the devil aside.
From Babylon these astronomers came, noticing the planets of Jupiter and Saturn were in juxtaposition...
in about 4 B.
; thus following a star, of no common sort-while the sun and moon danced around it...
! #3489 (12-14-2012) 7) Balaam's Star Balaam, soothsayer of the King of Moab, who forecast both doom and salvation, was told to proclaim a curse on Israel -; intervened, was the Lord of Hosts, whom instructed Balaam to bless Israel in its place, and so he did, and was executed-and thus came the Star of Bethlehem.
#3490 (12-14/15-2012) 8) The Galilean In Joseph's second dream he was instructed to go to the Region of Galilee, to avoid King Herod's son, to live under the Regime of Antipas.
His point of origin-thus, to conform to God's ultimate design, for history, -as a result, to fulfill the prophecy of Isaiah: the: Great light is to arise...
in the Land of darkness.
So, this was the former Northern Kingdom, the dead stump, and Christ was to be the new shoot, the new beginning...
the giver of life...
! #3491 (12-15-2012) Note: Jesus would not return and live in Bethlehem, upon his return from Egypt, he would go to the region of Galilee, the northern most part of Palestine; during these times, Nazareth was part of Galilee, and Galilee would be the center of his ministry.
The reason is two fold: first, but not the most prevailing, for safety reasons: second and foremost, the origin of this location was by divine designed, his Father's wishes.
Thus, one may call Christ the Galilean, or as history has bestowed upon him the Nazirite or Nazarene.
9) Christ in the Temple "I am in my Father's house...
" responded Jesus, to Mary and Joseph, when Mary had asked: "Your father and I have been looking for you...
" (He was but twelve years old.
) "I am with my father," Jesus replied.
Thus, He was clear, and it became clear, he was not the rebel against his parents, but rather the obedient one, in the temple honoring his Divine Father's wishes.
#3492 (12-15-2012) Note: it is better for scholars not to overtax one's trying to figure out the highness of every word Jesus said, or action he did, we must simple take him at his word, and believe what has pass, or came to pass, or came about, and it will grow within us, its full meaning, its full understanding in time.
This has taken me a lifetime to learn.
His words oftentimes have the capacity to surpass our intellectual minds, Mary understood this.
* These poems were inspired in part, by Pope Benedict XVI (Even though I'm a Baptist); and my trip to Israel in 2010 These are poems with a story, seeking to be heard, read, searching for the reader to bring into his or her mind set, complete faith and wisdom, to devout one's self to the Christ child.
The message is short, and it speaks to the restless heart of man searching for peace within his soul.
Christ is the beginning of a new line, a new genealogy for mankind, a new beginning, one that stops with Joseph and Mary, and starts back up with Mary and Jesus, and by being born again, into the family of God through Christ and his new genealogy, we become the children of God.
How is this so, the poems express this very feature; the Poems are meant to raise the spirit of the reader.
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