The Diet Solution Program is a way you can change your eating habits for life.
This is not a temporary diet but a long term eating strategy.
This diet is based on the principle of metabolic typing and categorized dieters into three categories with different dietary guidelines.
De Los Rios advises you to have a successful mindset.
Take some time to think about what you want to achieve in your health, life and weight.
Write down your goals and visualize yourself realizing your goals.
There are three steps to the Diet Solution Program.
Step one is to eat in accordance to your metabolic type, step two is to stay within a caloric range, and the third step is to eat a variety of high quality food.
To determine your metabolic type you will answer a series of questions.
The three types are carb, protein and mixed.
All types require varieties of carbohydrates, fats and healthy proteins in ideal amounts.
You will receive a detailed meal plan designed for your metabolic type.
You are encouraged to change how you think about snacks and encouraged to select nutritional alternatives.
Healthy snacks include boiled eggs, fruits, raw nuts and vegetables.
You are discouraged in eating hydrogenated fats and advised to eliminate eating cereals, chips, cookies, crackers and margarine.
Also avoid processed soy foods.
You are allowed to drink one glass of alcohol per week with wine being the preferred beverage.
You can drink up to two cups of coffee per day and use Stevia as the only sweetener.
Keeping a journal of the foods you consume is recommended by the Diet Solution Program.
This will help you find which meals and foods make you feel satisfied and good and which ones don't.
You can fine tune your diet to where you feel good and satisfied most of the time.
This is not a temporary diet but a long term eating strategy.
This diet is based on the principle of metabolic typing and categorized dieters into three categories with different dietary guidelines.
De Los Rios advises you to have a successful mindset.
Take some time to think about what you want to achieve in your health, life and weight.
Write down your goals and visualize yourself realizing your goals.
There are three steps to the Diet Solution Program.
Step one is to eat in accordance to your metabolic type, step two is to stay within a caloric range, and the third step is to eat a variety of high quality food.
To determine your metabolic type you will answer a series of questions.
The three types are carb, protein and mixed.
All types require varieties of carbohydrates, fats and healthy proteins in ideal amounts.
You will receive a detailed meal plan designed for your metabolic type.
You are encouraged to change how you think about snacks and encouraged to select nutritional alternatives.
Healthy snacks include boiled eggs, fruits, raw nuts and vegetables.
You are discouraged in eating hydrogenated fats and advised to eliminate eating cereals, chips, cookies, crackers and margarine.
Also avoid processed soy foods.
You are allowed to drink one glass of alcohol per week with wine being the preferred beverage.
You can drink up to two cups of coffee per day and use Stevia as the only sweetener.
Keeping a journal of the foods you consume is recommended by the Diet Solution Program.
This will help you find which meals and foods make you feel satisfied and good and which ones don't.
You can fine tune your diet to where you feel good and satisfied most of the time.