Sinking into my seat, I felt like the world was caving in! I had just left the court room where I was
given less than half of everything from the divorce settlement, we had both been unemployed over the past year, and
this helped us realize that we were not working out as a family. So we ended the marriage. I thought We had some
money saved away but he'd lied to me, there was very little if any left, he had spent it on his hobby gambling! I
was devastated and Exhausted from the past year, we had lost the house since neither of us could find work. I had
to rely on unemployment which was not nearly enough. This is why I decided to make money Online.
If you have had any trouble in the past few months or couple of years finding work or making ends meet then let me
assure you:
However, let's take a step back and look at some options, I had to find a way to make money and the only thing I
could think of was the Internet, I was on it quite a bit looking for work, but I needed to use this to make me
money too.
RESEARCH... I used the internet to research and see what program I wanted to be involved in, I also read a
couple of books as I looked through the options.
SET PARAMETERS...For me I needed something where I could make money without spending. I truly couldn't
afford to spend much. I was able to save to a good how to guide, but that was all I spent. I wanted a program where
I could do something and not feel overwhelmed, and that didn't require a lot of experience.
I learned that I could write about a product I liked on various topics and make money!!! WHO KNEW! EXAMPLE... I like tennis, I found a good How-To book for Tennis which was simple and truly explained in detail the fundamentals you need to know for tennis, I wrote articles around the information in this book, and then posted it online, I attracted attention to the book I didn't even have to purchase anything and made money for writing about the book!!
I CANNOT help you with these,but they are extremely vital. INTEREST and MOTIVATION, you have to WANT to make this work.
These Equal DESIRE. LOOK INSIDE... THIS IS ALL UP TO YOU, you have to want it no one can do that for you.
Now let me clarify it does take work, but it is SO DOABLE! If you are like me then you have questions, What are the details of this article writing thing? How do I get paid for this? Where is the proof? I'm so glad you asked, take a quick minute and come with me I'll show you. No Experience, or Website Needed
given less than half of everything from the divorce settlement, we had both been unemployed over the past year, and
this helped us realize that we were not working out as a family. So we ended the marriage. I thought We had some
money saved away but he'd lied to me, there was very little if any left, he had spent it on his hobby gambling! I
was devastated and Exhausted from the past year, we had lost the house since neither of us could find work. I had
to rely on unemployment which was not nearly enough. This is why I decided to make money Online.
If you have had any trouble in the past few months or couple of years finding work or making ends meet then let me
assure you:
However, let's take a step back and look at some options, I had to find a way to make money and the only thing I
could think of was the Internet, I was on it quite a bit looking for work, but I needed to use this to make me
money too.
RESEARCH... I used the internet to research and see what program I wanted to be involved in, I also read a
couple of books as I looked through the options.
SET PARAMETERS...For me I needed something where I could make money without spending. I truly couldn't
afford to spend much. I was able to save to a good how to guide, but that was all I spent. I wanted a program where
I could do something and not feel overwhelmed, and that didn't require a lot of experience.
I learned that I could write about a product I liked on various topics and make money!!! WHO KNEW! EXAMPLE... I like tennis, I found a good How-To book for Tennis which was simple and truly explained in detail the fundamentals you need to know for tennis, I wrote articles around the information in this book, and then posted it online, I attracted attention to the book I didn't even have to purchase anything and made money for writing about the book!!
I CANNOT help you with these,but they are extremely vital. INTEREST and MOTIVATION, you have to WANT to make this work.
These Equal DESIRE. LOOK INSIDE... THIS IS ALL UP TO YOU, you have to want it no one can do that for you.
Now let me clarify it does take work, but it is SO DOABLE! If you are like me then you have questions, What are the details of this article writing thing? How do I get paid for this? Where is the proof? I'm so glad you asked, take a quick minute and come with me I'll show you. No Experience, or Website Needed