Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

If I Have Intercourse During The Day That I Feel Ovulation Cramps, Will I Have A Boy Or Girl?

I recently heard from a woman who was hoping to get pregnant with a boy baby.
Last week, she'd begun having what she assumed were ovulation cramps.
So, she and her husband had sex on that same day in an attempt to get pregnant.
She wanted to know whether, if she did get pregnant, which baby gender she was more likely to conceive.
She asked in part: "if I had sex and become pregnant right after I felt ovulation cramps, would I be more likely to get pregnant with a girl or boy baby?"I'll answer this question in the following article.
If Ovulation Cramps Actually Meant Ovulation Had Taken Place, A Baby Boy Could Possibly Be More Likely: Many women assume that cramps somewhere midway between their cycle mean that they have ovulated.
But, in my experience, this method of gauging ovulation is not the most reliable.
There are various reasons that women have cramps.
And some have cramps at the beginning of ovulation and some feel them more toward the end.
However, couples that have sex on the day of ovulation are said to be slightly more likely to have a boy.
The reason for this is that the Y or boy producing sperm are shorter lived so conceiving close to the egg's release gives them a better chance for survival.
But, there were a lot of ifs in this scenario.
The woman who wrote me did not test to confirm that she had ovulated and timing is just one variable that you can use to choose your baby's gender.
Testing Ovulation Versus Gauging Your Cramps: Admittedly, it's said that ovulation cramps can be one way that your body tells you that you have or are getting ready to ovulate.
Cervical mucus is another way.
But these clues can be misread or can happen for other reasons.
That's why I strongly recommend using an ovulation predictor to make sure that you are right.
I find saliva to be best but a urine predictor is certainly preferable to guessing.
Ovulation predictors aren't expensive, even the really good saliva ones are around $20.
So, if you are really serious about choosing your baby's gender, a good predictor can be an invaluable tool.
The Variables (In Addition To Timing) That Influence Whether You Have A Boy Or A Girl:As I mentioned before, timing (and how it relates to ovulation) can have an influence on your baby's gender.
Having sex before ovulation favors the X sperm or a girl conception and having sex during or after ovulation favors the Y sperm or producing a boy.
But, there are two other variables that are equally as important.
Whether the mother is alkaline or acidic can also influence gender.
An acidic PH favors girls because this environment is detrimental to the Y sperm.
This woman wanted a boy, so she needed to make sure that she was alkaline.
The best to ensure would be testing herself and then tweaking her diet and considering certain douches, if it came to that.
The last of the three variables is the sexual positions that you use.
Shallow penetration is for couples that are trying for a girl.
And the couple in this article would have been better off with deeper penetration as this gives the weaker boy sperm the head start that they need.
Combining these variables is the best way to have the best chance of getting the gender you want.
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