Before micro-blog fanaticism and social network profiles clogged with time-sucking game applications, the simple weblog served as the most popular tool for online marketing.
Granted, blog use hasn't exactly declined since the dawn of Twitter and Facebook; indeed, as blogs feed into these media outlets and systematically replace newspapers and magazines and prime news sources, they remain an important element in any marketing strategy.
Yet, as you populate your blog for the purpose of winning points in search results, you might wonder if you can do more with the material you provide readers.
Through article marketing, you can broaden your audience and increase awareness of your brand.
Take a look at your blog: what do you see? While you likely have used the forum to share information on your products and services, what can find written there that would translate well into a non-partisan article? With article banks like EzineArticles and similar services, one can take posts of 250 words or more and reword them so they no longer read like advertising text and instead relay advice on the best specific products in your industry, or tips on how to do specific tasks.
When you register for an article database account you have the ability to offer websites in need of content, and in turn you can promote your websites and points of sale.
All that's needed to start is the content.
When using older blog spots to populate your article count, excise any self-promotional text from the pertinent, timely data, and add more if necessary.
As an article marketer, you can post product reviews or surveys on the best places to find said products, instructional pieces and even opinion provided you are not outwardly promoting yourself in the piece.
Depending on the bank site you join, you may be required to undergo a trial membership before you are allowed to submit work freely.
How will submitting archived blogs as articles help your online marketing? As other sites pick up on the data and post it to their sites, your visibility increases.
Blog marketers who utilize the platform to power affiliate sites need fresh content to keep their sites visible in search, and through terms of service with article banks content publishers are obliged to link to their sources - this means you.
As more sites link back to yours, it increases the probability of link popularity, an important factor in helping search engines to determine your site's worth.
Don't let old blog posts flounder in the archives.
With a bit of polish, you can turn a classic piece into new content for another site that in turn promotes yours.
Granted, blog use hasn't exactly declined since the dawn of Twitter and Facebook; indeed, as blogs feed into these media outlets and systematically replace newspapers and magazines and prime news sources, they remain an important element in any marketing strategy.
Yet, as you populate your blog for the purpose of winning points in search results, you might wonder if you can do more with the material you provide readers.
Through article marketing, you can broaden your audience and increase awareness of your brand.
Take a look at your blog: what do you see? While you likely have used the forum to share information on your products and services, what can find written there that would translate well into a non-partisan article? With article banks like EzineArticles and similar services, one can take posts of 250 words or more and reword them so they no longer read like advertising text and instead relay advice on the best specific products in your industry, or tips on how to do specific tasks.
When you register for an article database account you have the ability to offer websites in need of content, and in turn you can promote your websites and points of sale.
All that's needed to start is the content.
When using older blog spots to populate your article count, excise any self-promotional text from the pertinent, timely data, and add more if necessary.
As an article marketer, you can post product reviews or surveys on the best places to find said products, instructional pieces and even opinion provided you are not outwardly promoting yourself in the piece.
Depending on the bank site you join, you may be required to undergo a trial membership before you are allowed to submit work freely.
How will submitting archived blogs as articles help your online marketing? As other sites pick up on the data and post it to their sites, your visibility increases.
Blog marketers who utilize the platform to power affiliate sites need fresh content to keep their sites visible in search, and through terms of service with article banks content publishers are obliged to link to their sources - this means you.
As more sites link back to yours, it increases the probability of link popularity, an important factor in helping search engines to determine your site's worth.
Don't let old blog posts flounder in the archives.
With a bit of polish, you can turn a classic piece into new content for another site that in turn promotes yours.