Health & Medical Lose Weight

How To Lose 20 lbs In 4 Weeks - 5 Basic and Important Tips!

A majority of people have at one time or another tried to lose weight, some succeed and others don't.
I am happy for all of those who do succeed but I feel more for the one's that don't, probably because I am one of those that have failed...
over and over again.
I met my doctor and he always told me: - Your BMI (Body Mass Index) is very high and that puts you in risk of getting cardio-vascular diseases, diabetes and many other dangerous diseases.
Every time I left his office I felt like the biggest looser in the world.
My self-esteem was at the bottom and it felt like he punched me with every word about weight loss.
All that are overweight are aware that it is a risky business and that we are likely to die young if we don't get a grip and start to lose some weight.
Let me tell, nothing that my doctor told me did any good, instead I started to justify my overweight and told myself that the doctor didn't know anything.
It all changed when me and my wife had our first child.
When she was three years old, I could hardly keep up with her without losing my breath and almost fainting.
I decided that it was time to do something about it, not because my extra pounds were going to kill me, but because I wanted to be able to play with my kids and I wanted to be happy when I looked in the mirror, at that time I felt guilty every time I saw my own reflection.
I started with the weight-watchers program and started to lose weight but I wanted to lose weight faster.
Weight-watchers seemed to be my second step after losing the first 50 pounds which I wanted done fast.
After trying some fast diet-plans I stumbled upon an online diet-program that automatically generated menus from a list of foods that I like.
Imagine my surprise when I dropped 20 pounds in just 14 days and what amazed me the most was that I ate as much as I did before and almost the same foods that I did before.
There are a few basic guidelines that you should follow no matter what diet you are on (except Atkins) 1.
Do not starve yourself - Starvation might seem like a good idea, but in fact this will only make you gain weight after you stop with the diet.
It has to do with how the body adjusts the metabolism.
Eat different groups of food - If you feel that you are lacking any nutrients you could you supplements but I always try to be as natural as possible and eat lots of different vegetables and fruits.
Exercise - This will boost your weight loss and help you feel better.
Drink lots of water - Water is very important, it transports nutrients in your body and transports metabolic waste out of your body.
Set up goals - I'm aiming to reach 160 pounds, when I have achieved that I already know how to stay at that weight.
It is important to remember what you felt like when dragging around an extra 100 pounds.
It is a great motivation for me.
I used the camcorder to make tapes of myself with nothing on but underwear.
Every time I feel like eating excessively, I remember how I used to look and how I used to feel.
If you have decided to lose weight I hope that this article will help you in dire straits.
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