Twiddling your thumbs, staring out the window and just waiting for the holidays to arrive? Why not use this downtime to set yourself up for greater success in the new year? Here are my 10 picks, but you don't have to do them all.
Even doing just one will get you another rung higher on your energy ladder.
Evaluate your "virtual energy" and make changes if necessary.
Are administrative tasks taking up most of your time and keeping you from prepraring for the holidays? Then set aside one hour a week to take care of "that stuff" between now and the end of the month.
This way you have a good amount of it taken care of, that you don't feel angry about it when you are out shopping or at a holiday party, you aren't giving it ALL of your attention either and you don't have a large pile waiting for you when you come back to reality in January.
Learn how to get more energy automatically via your main meals.
Would you like to be feeling energized 24-7 using your main meals? Then finally take time to learn how it all can work for you.
It's really a simple process, and you can set it up for the new year! Register for my live telebridge workshop The Energy Rich Boot Camp and know that you will have this taken care of in 2006.
What a gift! 3.
Revamp your gift-giving.
Remember that having a ready stack of warm presents for the holiday is the "ideal", but it isn't the only way to go.
The beginning of the new year is the perfect time of year to gift-give and celebrate! Make a pact with some of your friends that instead of the traditional holiday giving you will get together in January (when things are slow and some are feeling sad) for a real-heart felt get together.
Make a pact to share one great thing about each other at this gathering.
More money in your pocket and more energy all around.
No Need to clean out that chocolate box! Uneaten chocolates, holiday spirits, plates of cookies looking at you - need I say more? Don't lose yourself.
Set up reminders to help you stay in your body now and connect to how you want to feel in the future (like next month!).
And if you really need to, set "rules" to limit the amount of holiday sweets i.
1 piece of "something" on each day.
Clean out your closet.
Have I lost my mind? Don't I know this is the last thing we all have time for right now? Think for a moment ...
is there maybe someone who could really use what you don't need? Put on some good music, start sorting, and make piles.
Make sure these are items that someone else could really benefit from (only you really love that concert t-shirt from '84).
This can be a great thing to do with children, too.
Let your family, friends, co-workers know how much you are thankful for them.
Whether it's holiday cards or personal note, this is a good practice for both your energy and you.
Letting the universe know you're grateful for what you have will only bring you better things in the future.
It is the best gift you can give.
Write down your 15 best accomplishments for this past year.
The year goes by so quickly that we forget to celebrate the good things we have done.
First I light a candle and write down my 15 accomplishments.
Then I read each one aloud.
After the last one, I blow the candle out, and then RIGHT AWAY make a list of 10 goals for the new year.
(After truly acknowledging all the amazing things you did this year, you'll feel incredibly powerful, recognize your success and be energized for the New Year!) 8.
Actually enjoy the holidays! Yes! I realized that for the past few years Christmas and New Year's have flown by like a jet plane, and I'm left wondering what happened shortly thereafter.
Where's the peace? So take that walk in the snow, get that massage, and plan a leisurely shopping day during the week - and stop and get a cup of tea while you are out there.
Remember, we only have so many holidays in a lifetime.
Even doing just one will get you another rung higher on your energy ladder.
Evaluate your "virtual energy" and make changes if necessary.
Are administrative tasks taking up most of your time and keeping you from prepraring for the holidays? Then set aside one hour a week to take care of "that stuff" between now and the end of the month.
This way you have a good amount of it taken care of, that you don't feel angry about it when you are out shopping or at a holiday party, you aren't giving it ALL of your attention either and you don't have a large pile waiting for you when you come back to reality in January.
Learn how to get more energy automatically via your main meals.
Would you like to be feeling energized 24-7 using your main meals? Then finally take time to learn how it all can work for you.
It's really a simple process, and you can set it up for the new year! Register for my live telebridge workshop The Energy Rich Boot Camp and know that you will have this taken care of in 2006.
What a gift! 3.
Revamp your gift-giving.
Remember that having a ready stack of warm presents for the holiday is the "ideal", but it isn't the only way to go.
The beginning of the new year is the perfect time of year to gift-give and celebrate! Make a pact with some of your friends that instead of the traditional holiday giving you will get together in January (when things are slow and some are feeling sad) for a real-heart felt get together.
Make a pact to share one great thing about each other at this gathering.
More money in your pocket and more energy all around.
No Need to clean out that chocolate box! Uneaten chocolates, holiday spirits, plates of cookies looking at you - need I say more? Don't lose yourself.
Set up reminders to help you stay in your body now and connect to how you want to feel in the future (like next month!).
And if you really need to, set "rules" to limit the amount of holiday sweets i.
1 piece of "something" on each day.
Clean out your closet.
Have I lost my mind? Don't I know this is the last thing we all have time for right now? Think for a moment ...
is there maybe someone who could really use what you don't need? Put on some good music, start sorting, and make piles.
Make sure these are items that someone else could really benefit from (only you really love that concert t-shirt from '84).
This can be a great thing to do with children, too.
Let your family, friends, co-workers know how much you are thankful for them.
Whether it's holiday cards or personal note, this is a good practice for both your energy and you.
Letting the universe know you're grateful for what you have will only bring you better things in the future.
It is the best gift you can give.
Write down your 15 best accomplishments for this past year.
The year goes by so quickly that we forget to celebrate the good things we have done.
First I light a candle and write down my 15 accomplishments.
Then I read each one aloud.
After the last one, I blow the candle out, and then RIGHT AWAY make a list of 10 goals for the new year.
(After truly acknowledging all the amazing things you did this year, you'll feel incredibly powerful, recognize your success and be energized for the New Year!) 8.
Actually enjoy the holidays! Yes! I realized that for the past few years Christmas and New Year's have flown by like a jet plane, and I'm left wondering what happened shortly thereafter.
Where's the peace? So take that walk in the snow, get that massage, and plan a leisurely shopping day during the week - and stop and get a cup of tea while you are out there.
Remember, we only have so many holidays in a lifetime.