- 1). Buy a new air filter for your Jeep. Check at a local auto parts store. If you do not know which filter to purchase, ask an associate for assistance.
- 2). Open the hood of your car and locate your air filter housing unit. On most Jeeps, it is located near the engine on the driver's side of the car. If you are unsure of what an air filter housing unit looks like, it is a large black rectangular box with an air hose that attaches it to the car's engine.
- 3). Detach the clamps that are on the side of the air filter housing unit and remove the top of the housing unit.
- 4). Take out the old air filter. Using compressed air or a wet cloth, clean any dirt and debris left over after you have removed the old air filter. Replace the old air filter with a new filter.
- 5). Replace the lid of the air filter housing unit and secure the clamps back onto the housing compartment. If you place the lid improperly, it can damage your engine.