Here’s a selection of Indian baby names for girls beginning with “M”. To check out names with other letters of the alphabet, please go back to the Hindu Baby Names
index page.
Madhavi / Madhu: Honey Madhumati: Whose personality is as sweet as honey Madhurya: One is sweet Madhuvanthi: One who is sweet like honey Madnashini: She who destroys pride Mahasri: Goddess Laxmi Mahika: Earth Mahima: Glorious Mahiya: Joy Maina: A bird Malati: Flower Malika: Flower Malini: Fragrant Malka: Queen Manali: Bird Mandakini: A river Mandira: Temple / Melody Manini: Self respected Manisha: Desire / Wish Manjari: Bud of a mango tree Manju: Pleasant Manjula: Lovely / Soft / Charming Manjusha: Lady with a sweet voice Marsha: Respectable Mausami: Seasonal Maya: Illusion Mayuri: Peahen Medha: Goddess Saraswati / Wisdom / Intellect Medini: Earth Meenal: Precious gem Menaha: Celestial damsel Mili: A meeting / To find Mishti: Sweet person Mitali: Friendly Mohnashini: She who destroys delusion in her devotees Mohini: One who is enticing Monisha: Intellectual Moubani: A flower Mridula: An ideal woman Mrinmayee: Deer's eye Mukti: Liberation Mythri: Friendship To check out names with other letters of the alphabet, please go back to the
Hindu Baby Namesindex page.
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