Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Why Can"t I Get Pregnant? - Tips to Get Pregnant Naturally

Why can't I get pregnant? Sometimes it is just not that easy to get pregnant.
However, there are steps you can take to increase your chances of getting pregnant.
Know exactly when your fertile window is.
There is only a certain period of the month when you are fertile.
This period is called your ovulation cycle.
According to doctors, a woman's fertility window lasts only about 5 to 7 days a month.
For women who have regular menstrual periods, ovulation starts at around the 14th day after the first day of her last menstruation.
So this is the time when your egg is ready to be fertilized.
And of course, to get pregnant naturally, this is the time you have to have intercourse.
However, some women do not have regular menstrual cycles.
This makes it more difficult for them to predict when their ovulation period begins.
If you are irregular, purchase an ovulation predictor kit (OPK) which is usually available in any local drugstore.
On the day that the woman's ovulation cycle begins, there is a significant increase in her body's luteinizing hormone (LH).
An OPK is an easy to use kit that detects the increase of LH in your urine.
If you want to get pregnant, it is advisable that you and your partner have sex only during your ovulation cycle.
This way you avoid the possibility of the reduction of sperm count in your partner, and your chances of getting pregnant increases to about 90 percent.
The ideal time to have intercourse would be every other day during your ovulation cycle.
Alcohol, cigarettes and drugs have been reported to affect a woman and a man's fertility.
So as much as possible you and your partner should stay away from these substances if you want to get pregnant.
A healthy and well balanced diet can also greatly increase your chances of getting pregnant.
Eat healthier and incorporate more fruits and vegetables in your diet.
This goes for your partner, too.
Foods rich in zinc and folic acid have been proven to significantly help in making a couple more fertile.
Avoid stress.
Stress has been known to seriously impede a woman's chances of getting pregnant.
So if you have been trying to get pregnant to no avail, try your best not to stress about it.
Besides, the process of making a baby should be fun, so you should not let the pressure of trying to get pregnant wear you down.
Stress not only hinders ovulation, it can also reduce your partner's sperm count.
At this time of your life you and your partner should incorporate relaxation techniques into your daily life.
There certainly are many reasons why a couple has difficulty conceiving.
Sometimes, though, a simple change in lifestyle can go a long way.
So if you want to get pregnant, do your best to live healthy and avoid the things that can cause sub fertility/infertility.
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