Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Learn More About the 1st Signs of Pregnancy

We always assume that a woman should notice symptoms that explain whether she is expecting a baby.
On the contrary, it is possible for a woman to carry a child in her womb for several months without knowing that she is expectant.
In most cases, this happens because some of the 1st signs of pregnancy can be confused for other conditions.
Since a woman's body experiences hormonal changes during her menses, most of the symptoms associated with this natural occurrence resemble those of a pregnant woman.
However, if a woman is keen, she can isolate some of them and get a firm answer whether she is expecting or not.
One indication that there is a baby growing in the womb is missing menses.
If a woman notices that she has not had her monthly periods, she might be pregnant.
However, there are other reasons that may stop the menstruation such as stress, strenuous work, taking strong medication or even hormonal imbalance.
The other symptom a woman should look out for is when the breasts get tender and swell.
As a result, the woman may feel like her breasts have increased in size considerably and they have become very sensitive to touch to the point of slight pain.
However, this symptom is also present during the periods.
The most distinctive symptom is experiencing bouts of morning sickness.
A woman may get queasy in the morning.
Unless it is caused by another illness, this is one of the 1st signs of pregnancy experienced in the initial 3 months.
For some women, they may not have the nauseate tendency or they may get it when carrying one child and not have it in the second born.
In addition, since the baby in the womb is growing, a woman may get bowel inconveniences that will prompt her from visiting the bathroom often.
The weight of the child exerts pressure on her bowels and she has to urinate often.
She may also crave for some foods whether they are in or out of season.
In this case, you might find a woman moving from one store to the other looking for a certain delicacy that is probably not available locally.
She may even crave for foods she did not have a liking for before.
If it is already a few months on, there might be some stretch marks around the stomach and the breasts.
When most of these 1st signs of pregnancy are visible, going for the test is the sure way to dismiss the possibility of other conditions and assure the woman she will be a mother in nine months time.
However, the symptoms indicated here may be indicators of other conditions and infections and they can only be conclusive if at least 3 of these are visible.
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