- 1). Pick a time and date for your party that is going to cater to most people's work and school schedules. If you pick a time like 7 p.m., you will need to server dinner or heavy h'orderves. Choose a day that most people will be able to come. Fridays and Saturdays are best.
- 2). Send out invitations. Send out your invitations early. A month in advance is usually when people will be able to schedule around your party. Make sure that you put in an "RSVP" form, or ask your guests to call to RSVP to your party so you know how many people will be in attendance.
- 3). Create a "party-like" atmosphere. People go to parties to have fun. There should be music and a couple of decorations for your party. Clean your home 2 days before the party so you're not rushing around the day before. Dust, vacuum and mop the rooms in which the party will be taking place. Clean the bathroom that your guests will be using.
- 4). Choose the foods and drinks you are going to have for your guests. If you're having burgers or ribs, buy the right amount of meat for your guests. Some guests will be vegetarians or vegans, so plan ahead and buy the right foods. Some guests will not drink alcohol, so make sure you have sodas and juice at the party. If you are having your party catered, be sure to give the caterer 2 weeks notice of the menu you would like to have.
- 5). If some of your guests are really good friends, they will arrive early to help you out with the food and drink. Get dressed 2 hours in advance so you don't have guests arrive without you being dressed for the occasion.
- 6). Greet everyone as they come through the door. This can be tricky when you're mingling; find a place central to the party, so you have access to the front door of the house as they arrive.