- Choose 30 words that have to do with weddings and wedding preparation. Scramble these words. Choose pretty wedding-themed stationery to print the scramble on. At the party, make sure that everyone has something to write with. Give the guests four minutes to unscramble the words. The person who has unscrambled the most will get a special party favor as a prize.
- This fun game can last the entire party. As the guest arrive, give them cards that have words associated with weddings on them. Tell each guest to listen to the bride-to-be. Each time the bride-to be says one of the words on the card, the guest marks the word off of her card. The first guest to cross out a line diagonally, horizontally or vertically shouts BINGO and receives a special prize.
- Add some activity to the bridal shower with a piñata (see Resource below for an online vendor). Make sure that an open space is available for this game. Fill the piñata with packages of wedding mints, party favors, miniature bottles of bubbles and a garter or two. Give a special prize to the guests who manage to grab the garters. Acquire a piñata that represents the groom or the bride. Beat up a wedding cake piñata.
Wedding Bachelorette Word Scramble
Bridal Bingo
Wedding Piñatas